Meeting set to discuss loop road


There will be an update on the proposed loop road at the state line on Nov. 12 at 5pm at Lake Tahoe Resort Hotel in South Lake Tahoe.

Tahoe Transportation District and representatives from the arts, recreation, housing and governmental agencies will be leading the discussion.

This is an opportunity to see proposed area gateways, local art, paths, access improvements, community gathering places, and opportunities for safe and affordable housing.

The proposal is to turn Highway 50 near the casino corridor into a city street and have the highway go behind Harrah’s and MontBleu.


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Comments (33)
  1. reza says - Posted: October 31, 2014

    Uh, question. Why is this meeting happening? Nothing has changed.

  2. Bob Fleischer, aka snowbum says - Posted: November 1, 2014

    It is happening because certain people with special interests think they can get some form of this project accomplished over a long period of time, inch by inch, including each small or modest (?) “compromise”; etc.
    Not the same as the officials and special interests involved with the proposed Meyers development(s), but so very many similarities…eh?

  3. Irish Wahini says - Posted: November 1, 2014

    I agree with reza….. who wants this loop road other than Nevada?

  4. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: November 1, 2014

    Reza and Irish Wahini, I don’t want the loop road!!! Hurts local business, takes away local homes and costs a fortune…and for what? To help the casinos and edgewood? Not a good plan at all! OLS

  5. Atomic says - Posted: November 1, 2014

    Build it, everyone will survive and the town will improve.

    Afterward, no one will remember all the fear mongering, downtown will be vastly superior, and thru-traffic will flow away from the pedestrian area, (kinda like a resort town).

    Anyone think what we have down there is acceptable? It sucks. Make it better. Stop all the crying, embrace change, it will improve the face of South Shore, finally.

  6. Dogula says - Posted: November 1, 2014

    Yeah, Atomic, everyone will survive, no one will remember. . . except those whose homes and businesses are demolished. They’ll remember.
    But the little individuals don’t matter when the good of the collective is to benefit, right?

  7. Moral Hazard says - Posted: November 1, 2014

    Dogula, this is over your head, but spend the weekend on it….

    Everyone is going to get paid fair market value. Fair market value is a negotiated amount based in what a reasonable person would spend on that property.

    If they are getting fair market value for a crummy dilapidated property they are probably being done a favor, those properties are not appreciating with the larger Tahoe real estate market. But the landowner is whole. They are exactly where they would be if they kept the property.

    Its the last sentence that is going to be the killer for you.

  8. Steve says - Posted: November 1, 2014

    Like the parking meters, put this issue out for a vote by the citizens before any more funds and time are spent. Otherwise, government bureaucrats will spin their wheels on it forever.

  9. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: November 1, 2014

    Loop Road = Porked for some Profit for others.

    RPU = Porked for some Profit for others.

  10. Dogula says - Posted: November 1, 2014

    Fair market value don’t mean SQUAT if you don’t WANT to have your property taken. There are viable businesses and people have owned properties for generations.
    But you think just ’cause somebody tells you they’re paying you a fair price, they should have the right to boot the rightful owners?
    That’s seriously messed up.
    Where are your values?
    And save the condescending attitude. You’re not smart enough to condescend to anybody.

  11. Local says - Posted: November 1, 2014

    Many service workers and low income families live in the homes that will have to be demolished for the loop road. Where will these people be able to find affordable housing? Many of these people don’t have cars and now are able to walk to their place of employment. Also, what about all of the families that live in the Tahoe Shores Mobile Home Park at the end of Kahle Dr.? Their homes are going to be demolished to build condo’s. Where do we relocate all of these families? Where’s the affordable housing?

  12. ljames says - Posted: November 1, 2014

    I dont always agree with a lot of the comments from some of the folks above, but yes the biggest issue to overcome here is not only homes and properties that (1) someone uses for a business they run, which goes beyond the value of the real estate and (2) the folks that live in the affected areas that rent and walk to work – so for them it’s not just finding another affordable place, it’s where it is located. Obviously that second group of people unfortunately for them are not going to have the same political clout as others. If this is really about pedestrianizing the few blocks between Pioneer and Kahle Drive, then put Hwy 50 underground. But even then, and even if the plans were aesthetically pleasing and the displaced owners and renters were taken care of, I would have a really large remaining issue of who pays and who benefits. It’s clearly mostly a CA side cost for a mostly NV side benefit, and one has to question how long we will even have 4 casinos here to drive the need for a loop road.
    Last comment: someone above said:
    “Anyone think what we have down there is acceptable? It sucks.”
    If they are referring to the commercial areas around Stateline, I think the person who said this hasnt walked around statline/Crescent V area in years.

  13. Lou pierini says - Posted: November 1, 2014

    Moral, Received the TTD email about meeting, no mention of Loop road. Moral spend the week on this. Oh by the way where in the money coming from?

  14. reza says - Posted: November 1, 2014

    Seems to me that the same people getting the NV chambers endorsement support the loop road. Some without even understanding what is involved like the displacement and where is the money coming from. So naïve. So sad.

  15. Garry Bowen says - Posted: November 1, 2014

    Sustainability doesn’t mean “change for change’s sake”, or because the Marketing Department & the C-suite say so, it’s to make a better, safer well-being for ALL that love Tahoe. . .& “meets or exceeds” Tahoe’s clarity issues. . .


  16. Buck says - Posted: November 1, 2014

    Reza you are right NV chamber supports the loop road and so do the candidates they endorsed. Also looks like ground is breaking next to Fridays Station for the new mega mall. They need a loop road. Important to vote on Tuesday for the candidates that best serve their constituents. Lets get some folks in that will listen not just push and shove their own agendas.

  17. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: November 1, 2014

    Reza, Follow the money and endorsements for the city council and the board of supervisors! Speaks volumes!
    Loop road? Obviously being supported by the casinos and Edgewood!
    With the rubber stamp approval of, TRPA, CTC, TTD and many other agencies that run (or ruin) this town!
    Follow the money! OLS

  18. reloman says - Posted: November 1, 2014

    couple of things, they cant force people to sell without eminent domain which the city is hightly unlikely to do. So that means above fair market price is what it will take to get people to sell. Also the renters that do get moved will be well compensated, more money than they have ever had in their bank at one time in their lives.

  19. Moral Hazard says - Posted: November 1, 2014

    Dogula, understand this statement: The commercial property owners, if they are acting rationally, will sell for the Net Present Value of the profit of the location calculated using their required rate of return in the calculation; + $1.

    All of capitalism requires it.

  20. lou pierini says - Posted: November 1, 2014

    Moral, Why don’t You buy out the commercial property owners then add $1.00 and you can make that rational profit?

  21. Reloman says - Posted: November 1, 2014

    Moral not completely true of all investors. It will vary by investors. Maybe they owe more than the offer price. If so they will probably hold on until the value goes up enough to make them whole. Maybe if they sell they will have a huge capitol gains tax. Lets say they are elderly when they pass on there will be a stepped up basis of the property. Your statement is too broad to fit all investors situations.

  22. Dogula says - Posted: November 1, 2014

    And besides the money, there is an old fashioned idea known as private property rights. Forcing people who do not want to move, in order to improve somebody else’s business, is heinous. It’s been done over and over in this town. This situation is being touted as for a roadway, but there will be new businesses along that roadway, and if you think the folks who plan to move in there aren’t part of this whole plan, you’re very naive.
    It’s not necessary, it’s expensive, and it stinks of cronyism.

  23. Moral Hazard says - Posted: November 1, 2014

    Dogula, if someone holds out a bag of money, and the other person holds out a deed, where is the problem?

    As I said, completely over your head….

  24. Moral Hazard says - Posted: November 1, 2014

    One more time Dog…NPV + $1 = Price where a rational actor will ALWAYS sell.

  25. Dogula says - Posted: November 1, 2014

    Hazard; one more time: use of force. THAT is the problem.

  26. rock4tahoe says - Posted: November 1, 2014

    Yeah, I am tired of the scare tactics too. Forget that. What specifically is Harmful to the City of South Lake Tahoe to have a Bypass behind Harrah’s and Montbleu? I have been to a lot of towns and have seen a lot of bypasses. It does NOT seem out of the ordinary to me.

    Also, if that section of town, the Stateline Corridor, is developed as “pedestrian” friendly, what is wrong with that? Doesn’t that help the local Motels on the California Side? This is NOT MEYERS, Meyers can stay stuck in the 70’s, this is THE CITY.

  27. reloman says - Posted: November 1, 2014

    Rock, we had. Months of the year where many people will not get out and walk to shop. With less traffic passing in front ofcrescent V and heavenly village is it not possible that many tourist will not even know aboutt these shops? Thereby hurting their sales as well as lower sales tax for the city.
    I am not sure how thw bypass will ever help thCalifornia motels. It may even make it harder to get to them as you would have to go past the casinos and the go west as a good many are on the lakeside of 50.

  28. SC Tahoe says - Posted: November 1, 2014

    I don’t understand the claims of pending economic benefit for or against Nevada either. Somehow a road around the casinos is good for Edgewood but a road through the casinos is what?

    I drive through there as often as anyone. Most businesses that are along that stretch have no road access or parking that I am aware of. How is the proposed change so radically different that it becomes a negative for those current businesses? Which businesses?

    The irony here is that most locals use that bypass, in its current form, on a regular basis to avoid that area. And there are many in town that claim to never frequent the Village for whatever rationale. The bypass already exists.

  29. Atomic says - Posted: November 1, 2014

    rock, yes, the loop road will not only benefit the businesses in that area, it will also attract NEW money to invest, upgrade and renew; count on it. This whole thing is a no brainer.
    US HWY 50 is a FEDERAL HIGHWAY, with heavy hitters on the Cali side supporting it and federal money behind it. Affected property owners need to be made whole and will be. As you said, this loop road isn’t exactly a new idea in urban planning, and as previously stated, essentially already exists. The conspiracy theory crew likely emerges in every town, but we must push past the hysteria and small town politics and reach for something better. South Shore has never lived up to its potential. This project could be a key element in upgrading and attracting capital in an area that in places is literally third world.

  30. Bob Fleischer, aka snowbum says - Posted: November 1, 2014

    to: Atomic
    Regarding your Nov. 1st posting, above, second to last sentence.
    I did not move here hoping South Shore would ‘live up to its potential’.
    I don’t want it.

  31. Atomic says - Posted: November 1, 2014

    Living up to anything or anyone’s potential is a worthy goal. Disturbing to know the state of the union in South Shore satisfies anyone. It is unworthy of our natural environment.

    There really is, ‘no accounting for taste’.

  32. Moral Hazard says - Posted: November 2, 2014

    Reloman, sunk costs do not enter into decision making. Now lets say the sale price of a property is $100, the landowner owes $110 but there us positive cash flow from the business. We convert the cash flow into the present value. Then add that to the FMV of the property and voila, property owner walks away with $10. $10+$1 and the property owner is thrilled. (This is a simplified calc, I know that)

    So what happens if the owner is underwater, well he has to pay to get out of course. But the carrying cost of the excess debt will be consuming the operating profit of the business. Its a good business in a bad location which is the same as a bad business. Time to go…so we just have to offer a way out for the landowner that is slightly less bad than their current situation.

  33. Steve says - Posted: November 12, 2014

    I believe this meeting was scheduled to be viewed on the internet at, regrettably it is nowhere to be found.