S. Tahoe motel burglary suspect caught


A South Lake Tahoe man was arrested Monday in connection with the Oct. 23 burglary at the Trailhead Lodge.

Louis Fiori Jr.

Louis Fiori Jr.

The theft at the South Lake Tahoe motel occurred after business hours in the locked, unattended front lobby. Surveillance footage shows the suspect entering the lobby by forcing open the locked front door and stealing money from the cash drawer.

The suspect was carrying a McFlurry ice cream container from McDonald’s. Surveillance footage showed the suspect filling out a job application for McDonald’s. Officers collected the job application as evidence and identified the suspect as 29-year-old Louis Fiori Jr.

Officers located Fiori at McDonald’s on Oct. 26.

This burglary is not believed to be related to the ones at the Y last week.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report


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Comments (17)
  1. Gaspen Aspen says - Posted: October 28, 2014

    Another Meth rat taken off the streets.

  2. Tinfoilhat says - Posted: October 28, 2014

    This guy…It’s really sad what happened to him. From what I heard, he used to be a really nice guy, but fell in with the wrong crowd. I hope he can have the strength to get him self to a rehab facility, and after he’s released from jail. Then he needs to leave town to get away from the people he hangs around.

  3. Biggerpicture says - Posted: October 28, 2014

    Tinfoilhat, you have it backwards. He’s been an idiot since high school and he was the person that should be avoided by others at all costs! And meth isn’t his issue, heroine is.

  4. go figure says - Posted: October 28, 2014

    It is unfortunate that this guy has chosen such a bad path. He has been heading down this path at least 10 years and it seems to be getting worse. He needs to get real help because life in prison sure isnt a good ending, or harming or killing someone while he is stoned, strung out, drunk, or running from the law. Its just a matter of time.

  5. LeanForward says - Posted: October 28, 2014

    Addiction is an illness. It’s a shame we’ve cut most of our mental health programs. This kid didn’t get the help he needed. Maybe we need a (Better?) mental health program.

  6. Level says - Posted: October 28, 2014

    Some in this situation have been offered more help than one might imagine. They got to want it!

  7. cosa pescado says - Posted: October 28, 2014

    Dogula told me addiction is a choice, not at all a disease. We should listen.

  8. reloman says - Posted: October 28, 2014

    he has to hit rock bottom and want help. Otherwise all of the rehab in the world will never help. There are lots of programs to help. can’t make him drink. can lead a horse to water but you cant

  9. Hmmm... says - Posted: October 29, 2014

    @Cosa….one wonders whether being Dogula is a choice…though I think Dogwoman and AuntieSocial know the answer.

  10. Dogula says - Posted: October 30, 2014

    So, this guy didn’t have anything to do with the other burglaries in the area recently.
    I wonder if all this sudden criminal activity has anything to do with the mental health and other services having moved to the Y area? The husband today mentioned seeing a man lying in the gutter near the Y digging cans out of the culvert. I saw an interesting group digging through the trash cans in front of Raley’s today, choking the passers-by with their cigarette smoke. As I drove home toward the high school, there were about a half dozen men hanging out in the parking lot and the lawn of the new facility, smoking, drinking. . .
    The city fixed up the area near the new Commons Beach, so they sent all the undesirables down to OUR end of town. I’m sure all the Y businesses appreciate it too. Maybe if the cops really want to find out who’s burgling the businesses, they ought to send out some feelers at that new facility.

  11. KATHY says - Posted: October 30, 2014

    Yes ,I have to say the Y is getting a Getto crowd . .

  12. Gaspen Aspen says - Posted: October 30, 2014

    Hopefully as soon as it get’s cold they slither west and down the slope…..hopefully to Sacramento.
    Oh, and I stand corrected: Another “heroin” junkie off the streets.

  13. Dogula says - Posted: October 30, 2014

    There’s always been that element there in the area; there’s quite a bit of low income housing, and there are several brushy areas that are comfortable for overnight ‘outdoor’ accommodations.
    But it’s really becoming squalid.

  14. cosa pescado says - Posted: October 30, 2014

    Dogula that is their choice to be addicted and since we are all free ‘men’ we should respect what they do with their freedom. We can legislate morality, and the call for LEOs to intervene is promoting the tyranny of The State.
    Cigarettes are legal, booze is legal, and recycling is good for the environment. If you don’t want your business broken in to, you should take advantage of your Second Amendment right.
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  15. Dogula says - Posted: October 31, 2014

    Government has intervened by stealing my money to support their addictions and has created a center in a residential/business neighborhood that attracts them to it in order to keep them further away from the area that government has determined is more desirable and more worthy of its ‘protection’.

    Your argument is invalid.

  16. go figure says - Posted: November 1, 2014

    Dog, you refer to these undesirables as they and them like its a title. Despite the fact that they are problemtic, they are sons, daughters, husbands, wifes, brothers and sisters who need help. Too bad they have followed this path and what will become of them….I certainly cant say but I feel sorry for their circumstances. Sure am glad im not in their shoes. Maybe you could practice some nonjudgemental good wishes towards these unfortunate people. Might be good for your karma…..

  17. Dogula says - Posted: November 1, 2014

    What would you have me call them instead? I mean, that is common English language usage. . . none of them is MY son or daughter, so I don’t know how you’d like to me to address them. They are not familiar to me, so I can’t call them by name.
    My point in THIS thread wasn’t so much about them, anyway, it was more referring to the fact that the city fathers have shuttled more of them into a certain area, where this is a sudden rash of crime. Coincidental, eh? Never said I didn’t feel pity for them or their situation. But the fact is, many of them choose it, and their circumstance won’t change until THEY decide to do something about it.
    You worry entirely too much about my karma. Take care of your own.