Stumbles on campaign trail nothing new in Nev.


By Kyle Roerink, Las Vegas Sun

Gaffes, follies and slips are as much a part of politics as campaign buttons.

In Nevada this year, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, attorney general candidate Adam Laxalt and congressional candidate Cresent Hardy all made headlines for gaffes.

But none of those ranks among the biggest goofs in recent Nevada political history.

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Comments (9)
  1. Justice says - Posted: October 23, 2014

    What is funny is how many liberals refuse to admit they voted twice for the Obola-Bummer. They lie and deny and hope it is worth a try. They will be thrown out in a matter of days! Now a new case of Obola in NYC from a doctor not even placed in quarantine when he returned from an Obola hot-zone. So all of the lies being told by the Bummer gang are just that and he is risking the safety of all here in more ways then people know.

  2. rock4tahoe says - Posted: October 23, 2014

    Justice. Still trying to gin up the Ebola scare? The only person to die from Ebola in America was in Texas. The 43 people that had direct contact with Tom Duncan are still Ebola Free. Two Ebola patients have been released. The Two Nurses are recovering. Nigeria is Ebola Free. America has a 85% Ebola recovery rate so far.

    It appears the only “bummer” is your moronic rants and hype.

  3. Justice says - Posted: October 23, 2014

    And now we have a Jihad terrorist with axe attack in NYC. How is the Bummer ignoring Islamic Radicals in the US working? Now a new Obola case and Bummer is the joke of the nation as usual, the problem is His danger to the safety of all. Throw all of these liberal bums out!

  4. Cranky Gerald says - Posted: October 24, 2014


    Keep the rants coming, you are amusing.

    Obviously, the country’s voting public were not convinced that the conservative ticket in the last two elections was superior to the Democratic ticket.

    Can you even come close to explaining how your dear conservatives came up with Sarah Palin as a candidate? One who actually would have been in line for the presidency? Who could not name a supreme court justice in an interview.

    That being said….she even makes more sense than you do.

    As was so well stated by a really intuitive person a few years ago, you are entitled to your own opinions, but you are not entitled to your own facts.

  5. go figure says - Posted: October 24, 2014

    Way to go Cranky Gerald !

    Stand up to stupidity.

  6. Biggerpicture says - Posted: October 24, 2014

    Justice, I proudly admit to voting for Obama twice! And I will proudly vote for Hillary…….. for both her first and second term!

    The biggest problem in this country is those of your ilk who refuse to think for themselves or to admit that their personal bias towards Obama keep them from thinking clearly.

    And I’ve said it before and will again, your rants are of a style that would fall into the lowest common denominator even on Facebook.

  7. go figure says - Posted: October 24, 2014

    BP Right On to you as well.

  8. Dogula says - Posted: October 24, 2014

    BP, I am curious. Why do you want to vote for Hillary? What has she accomplished? I mean, she’s gotten very rich somehow, in civil service. She got 4 Americans killed in Benghazi, then lied about it. She crucified all the women who exposed her husband’s affairs. So much for her being pro-woman. I saw lots of pictures of her partying with other rich people while she was Sec of State, but what did she actually accomplish?
    Real question.

  9. Kevin Murphy says - Posted: October 24, 2014

    There’s nothing more pathetic than a birther teabagger. They get their info from grifters like Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and the foxNfriends pea brains. Check out how pathetic these people are.
    Don’t be a “Dupid”(combo of duped and stupid) like some posters on this thread. Either get out and vote or suffer the consequences of reinstating the Bush/Cheney disaster.