Tahoe Paradise Park board struggles with professionalism, how to get anything done

Tahoe Paradise Park's internal workings are becoming a bit dysfunctional. Photos/LTN file

Tahoe Paradise Park’s internal workings are becoming a bit dysfunctional. Photos/LTN file

By Jessie Marchesseau

MEYERS – Thirty-five community members were in attendance at the Tahoe Paradise Resort Improvement District board meeting on Thursday night, but by the time the meeting adjourned three and a half hours later only a few remained.

The larger than usual turnout may have been the result of some topics currently circulating through the community. One woman said she was there because of a notice she found on her door which said the park was closing. Someone else was concerned about what the new Assembly Bill 2762 would mean for the TPRID. Another person voiced concern over rumors that the county was taking over the park.

The board members assured attendees the park is not in danger of closing. Only one board member had even heard of AB2762 with no answers as to what it meant for the future of the district. And Norma Santiago, El Dorado County supervisor and board member, denied any plans for El Dorado County to take over the park.

“The county does not want this park,” she said, “this is a community park, this is your park.”

However, she did reveal that the governance committee has considered the possibility of asking El Dorado County for administrative support. This is still at the committee level and has not been discussed by the TPRID board. However, the committee reported there is a possibility the county could help with administrative tasks such as invoicing, insurance policies, legal services, personnel policies and so on for a year or so until things get back on track, possibly at no cost to the RID.

Currently, all administrative duties in addition to maintenance are handled by Steve Dunn, the park manager who lives on site. All the board members as well as Dunn agreed this was too much for one person to handle, but a previous attempt to hire a part-time administrative person was unsuccessful.

In his first meeting as a board member, Peter Nelligan voiced his concern about the complete lack of any sort of bylaws or policies and procedures for the RID. In its current operational and administrative state, Nelligan said he believes the park will not be able to sustain itself for more than a few years.

Nelligan and Victor Babbitt are new to the board this year and appear anxious for change.

“We have a park, we have assets, we have a budget, we have projects that need to get done,” Babbitt said Oct. 23.

He reviewed the short-term priority projects for the park, including painting the gate, cleaning up the planter boxes at the entrance, and restaining the recreation center and the residence among a numerous other maintenance items. Some of the projects have already been completed; others are still in the planning process.

Park users will be using porta-potties for the foreseeable future.

Park users will be using porta potties indefinitely.

One of the larger projects in the works over the summer was installing a restroom at the south end of the park. The project was approved by the county, but then TRPA shot it down, according to those at the meeting. However, after the meeting, TRPA told Lake Tahoe News that no application to build the bathroom was ever filed. With the restroom off the table, the board now has to find other projects on which to spend their grant money before the March deadline. Without a qualifying project, the RID could face losing a big chunk of the $60,000 grant.

Board members bickered amongst themselves throughout the evening, with board Chairperson Judy Clot expressing the most disdain about being excluded from budget discussions and individual committees not keeping her in the loop. More than once attendees took the floor to ask members to take their arguing elsewhere.

Board and community members alike expressed concerns about adhering to the Brown Act which outlines requirements for open meetings, public input and accessible information. Clot said she has received several complaints recently. The fact that the only place meetings are consistently announced is on the park bulletin board and the only place one can get meeting minutes is by going to the park and asking Dunn to make them a copy, and that is assuming he has had time to transcribe the audio recording, suggests there is room for improvement. The board agreed to look into getting further Brown Act training from the county.

The meeting concluded with Babbitt making a motion to schedule a special meeting before the regularly scheduled meeting in January. He said there was too much to be done for them to take the next three months off. His suggestion was met with objections and scowls from some of the others. But in the end, a special meeting was tentatively scheduled for Dec. 11. An announcement will be posted on the park bulletin board at least 24 hours in advance.


About author

This article was written by admin


Comments (29)
  1. Irish Wahini says - Posted: October 25, 2014

    Why did TRPA shoot down the bathroom project? It’s not near the lake. Can TRPA decisions be appealed to a higher entity? Anyway, I hope the Board gets their personalities together, and long-term members should be excited that new members want to get things done sooner than later. That park is a real diamond in the rough, and a real asset to the community.

  2. Tahoebluewire says - Posted: October 25, 2014

    Screw the TRPA. Crooked, misguided and incompetent.

  3. Steve says - Posted: October 25, 2014

    The Board Chairperson excluded from budget discussions? Outrageous.

    Like Measure S, another community bond measure full of promises that has failed to deliver.

  4. Toxic Warrior says - Posted: October 25, 2014

    Does anything sound familiar ?
    We heard the same statement from Norma Santiago at a public meeting for the Meyers Area Plan.

    Norma stated ” This is YOUR Plan Meyers – You decide what you want in this plan” !
    This was right after she was caught with her hand in the cookie jar. She is as two-faced as they come.
    We continue to realize she and her staff have been negotiating the plan behind our backs.

    I think Meyers needs to wake up and realize we need to insist on maintaining control of OUR area plan and assets ( The Park) rather than hand everything over to the County and Agencies to do what THEY think is best for us.
    If we can have gas stations with tanks in the ground in Meyers – we certainly can find a way to put a legitimate bathroom in at the park.

  5. JoAnn Conner says - Posted: October 25, 2014

    Steve,I serve on the Recreation JPA Board. Here are a few things you may not know about Measure S: “The money would be used to maintain new bike trails, acquire, construct, and equip athletic fields, upgrade of Paradise Park facilities and construction of an ice rink.”
    2.5 new miles of bike trail were refurbished last year. New bike paths have and are being built, marked and maintained (i.e. snow removal this coming year).
    Sierra House School field completely redone last year to create a safer, more usable field.
    Bijou School field refurbished
    New T-ball field built this year at Al Tahoe School to serve more players and relieve the larger fields for more advanced sports.
    Ice rink has been built and is home to Tahoe Blue ice hockey team.
    Tahoe Paradise Resort Improvement District is given some funding each year to help maintain the park. This past year, we voted to give them an extra ten thousand dollars to help with upgrades.

  6. Lyn Barnett says - Posted: October 25, 2014

    The park is a special district of El Dorado County. A few years ago I decided to run for a board position and filed with the County, only to get a phone call pleading for me to withdraw because the district has to cover all election costs out of their budget and an election would have bankrupted them. I was told that no board member had been elected in decades, if ever, for this reason. I immediately withdrew, but the experience (including a wasted filing fee with the County) has never set well with me. I was hoping to join the board so that I might help improve the park – which my family has enjoyed for many years. It’s sad to see the place slowly fall apart.

  7. Tahoelocal says - Posted: October 25, 2014

    What a great asset to the Tahoe Paradise community. Such a great gift from years back that simply needs to be maintained. I sure hope for the sake of the Tahoe Paradise community this can be kept for all. Growing up in that area I used the park daily and have many fond memories of good times there. Would be politics could get in the way for that to continue for future generations. I was appaled by the removal of the sign in memory of Connie Wilson the daughter of Jim A E Wilson when the new park structure was put in. Connie was Jims Daughter who was killed in a car accident. Jim built this park for the youth of the community. If he saw what was going on now it would turn him over. I do hope the legacy of where it came from and what it was for can be brought back to the forefront and enjoyed for many years to come. Comes back to looking out to whats best for the community and the youth who enjoy this park where they call home.

  8. J&B says - Posted: October 25, 2014

    Kudos to Judy for putting herself on the line to call attention to things that have been going on behind the scenes. Yes this resulted in some ‘unprofessional’ back and forth on the Board, but it appears to have been the only way to inform the public of certain Board members’ politics that seem to be focused on pushing out those who disagree with our esteemed Supervisor and making it easier to bring in more County forces. Something is up.

  9. Arod says - Posted: October 25, 2014

    We cannot trust a thing Santiago says. I remember her saying the catalyst project is off the table but yet it appears in the most recent plan.

  10. Slapshot says - Posted: October 25, 2014

    Measure S has been incredibly successful.

  11. Michael B. Clark says - Posted: October 25, 2014

    I spent over 20 years in service to the Tahoe Paradise Park. I was part of a group of dedicated individuals who worked very hard to provide continuing financing to keep the Park in operation. The Park would be in much worse financial circumstances without Measure S.

    What occurs to me at this particular time is that the vast majority of people who volunteer their time to various community service generally do so because they care about the work that the board is doing. For instance, school board members care for schools, recreation board members care about recreation, and so on. What seems to be operational here is membership on a board that involves personal agendas that have little to do with the Park, but rather, for personal and business interests. The contentious nature of this meeting demonstrates a lack of communication.

    A couple of things to consider: The two pieces of legislation, AB 1023 and SB 2762, were passed and signed by the Governor of California. They specify the Tahoe Paradise Resort Improvement District (TPRID) within the legislation. Although the legislation has little to do with Special Districts, somehow TPRID, and several other Special Districts were included in it. Further, the law specifies that the TPRID (only, not the other specified Districts) may be changed to a different type of District without any election, but only by the consent of the TPRID Board. It seems interesting that the Board would have multiple new members at such a crucial time. As one of the participants in the meeting pointed out, Supervisor Santiago is our El Dorado County District 5 representative and also a member of the TPRID Board. One must wonder which is worse, a board member not knowing about legislation that affects your constituents or knowing about it and not advising your constituents of the legislation. Specific parcels of land and Districts do not just appear in State legislation without someone’s direct intervention. That homeowners within the District have not been notified of the legislation is highly suspect as well. I suggest that you look into the bills and read what has become law.

    Another thing that stands out to me is that some board members seem to be having off-line conversations which lead to motions for action which other board members have no knowledge of. This seems to be a violation of the Brown Act. Certainly, it violates the intention of the Act. Although it is acceptable for committees to be formed and discuss issues, it is unconscionable to avoid advising the entire board of your discussions. This seems to be habitual on the current board.

    As I have suggested for decades, property owners within the TPRID should be involved in protecting their asset. If you would like to discuss this, I would welcome your thoughts. Please contact me at my home (530) 577 4811.

  12. Slapshot says - Posted: October 25, 2014

    The Catalyst project will never be built.

  13. rock4tahoe says - Posted: October 25, 2014

    Um Mike, I hate to clue you in but the Tahoe Paradise Park is in pretty poor shape and I don’t think it is from money.

    As I have pointed out on several occasions, the Baseball Field is a complete wreck; the diamond, the backstop, the bleachers, the scoreboard, all of it is junk. We made an attempt to improve the condition of that field years ago: picked up trash, weed wacking and general maintenance. However, we gave up because we came back later only to find more trash, weeds and other “unsavory items.”

    Meyers is stuck in the ’70’s and as others have posted on this news outlet, leave Meyers alone. Which pretty much sums it up.

  14. Tahoegal says - Posted: October 25, 2014

    What a shame that this valuable asset hasn’t been maintained. We joined this park and paid a yearly fee for years, spent many a summer afternoon there with grand kids. When the rest of the town was a zoo, this park was a serene getaway. Even though we have now moved off the hill, we wish the best for this community jewel.

  15. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: October 25, 2014

    Tahoe Paradise Park is still a cool place! Sure it coud use a little fixin’ up, but then, what does’nt!
    Including yours truly!
    Get it fixed up a bit and let the good times roll!
    Live music in a beautiful setting, rib cook offs and car shows, the beer garden and of course Lake Baron!
    I had plentty of good times out there so lets keep it goin’. OLS

  16. Michael B. Clark says - Posted: October 25, 2014

    Give me a call, Rock. There may be some information that you don’t have regarding the Park. You may have information that I don’t have as well. I have significant experience regarding the Park and have lived two blocks from the Park for 38 years. I am interested in any feedback that you may have. Maybe you should “clue me in”.

    The problem in the ballfield is water. There isn’t enough water to properly irrigate that large of a field without replacing the water line. Although it is possible, the board decides on priorities. Apparently, the current board has the same issue, plenty of projects but not enough money.

    OLS, I played music in that Park at least 50 times! I remember all of what you describe, and more. Fun times at Sierra Pacific (and STR) picnics, haunted houses, fishing, swimming, barbeques, etc.

    Lynn, perhaps you can provide some input as to why the TRPA would have a problem with a bathroom at the Park.

  17. Lyn Barnett says - Posted: October 25, 2014

    Michael – I’ll call over there next week and give you a ring. Happy to help.

  18. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: October 25, 2014

    A little side note about Tahoe Paradise Park. That’s where me and a few crazed friends put on the first
    “Freakers Ball” at about this time of the year. I named it that after a song by “Dr. Hook and the medicine show” , a band of short lived fame. Oh what a time we had out at the park!!
    The second year I rented out part of Strawberry Lodge to continue the madness. After that I hung it up as things were getting abit out of hand and somebody else grabbed the name and moved it to the casinos.
    Good times indeed! OLS

  19. kenny curtzwiler says - Posted: October 25, 2014

    Old Longs Skis:
    This is the history of the Freakers Ball that was started by Brian Williams in 1978. I worked at the Waystation with Brian and won the first contest with the Half Man Half Women costume. I actually have the picture to prove it but I will stop by and show you after the election, it’s not a pretty sight lol

  20. kenny curtzwiler says - Posted: October 25, 2014
    This is the link to the real story behind the Freakers Ball. I worked with Brian at the Waystation and won the costume contest at the Vagabond with a 1/2 man 1/2 woman costume complete with a real six inch beard that I shaved half off. I even got the pictures to prove it. I will stop by and show you but only after the election as it’s not a pretty sight lol.

  21. Bob Fleischer says - Posted: October 25, 2014

    I was occasionally the DJ (or, trying to keep the equipment running!)… at the old steepled building just towards the Lake on Kayle Drive (Cooter’s)……We had the Freaker’s Ball there, too. I did not see it mentioned. Was some really crazy times, indeed.

  22. kenny curtzwiler says - Posted: October 25, 2014

    Bob: Are you talking about Gary’s casino? I would have to ask Brian Williams about that but I don’t remember(for various reasons lol)it being there just the underground disco but I will ask Brian.

  23. Bob Fleischer says - Posted: October 25, 2014

    Kenny it was Cooter Jones. The steeple on the building made it look like it might have been a church at one time, don’t know about it. It’s gone now, maybe within the last several years..?

  24. Bob Fleischer says - Posted: October 25, 2014

    I just did a Google Earth check, and the steepled building is shown on their map, but the map is dated 06/2007, and the building looked very run-down. The old Harvey’s Inn, now the Lakeside Inn, sure looked a lot different then too!
    Street View on Google Earth is amazing!

  25. cosa pescado says - Posted: October 25, 2014

    Street View is amazing. You should check out the time slider in the stand alone Google Earth. We have aerial imagery dating back to the 1940s for the South Shore.
    Check it out, but be aware that you can easily spend hours with it.

  26. Michael B. Clark says - Posted: October 26, 2014

    Thanks, Lyn. Your input would be much appreciated. It seems that my involvement is not over quite yet. I am hoping to assist in establishing better communication within the Board. From my perspective, the dysfunction that appears to exist would be helped by a longer view. As you know, my view of the TPRID is long indeed. I had the honor of serving on the TPRID board with at least four County Supervisors and worked with all of the Park’s managers. Further, I believe that I was the last person to be actually voted onto the board through the election process.

  27. Michael B. Clark says - Posted: October 26, 2014

    Apparently, I transposed the two bill numbers in my comment above. The correct bill numbers are SB 1023 and AB 2762. I suggest that residents and property owners within the TPRID familiarize themselves with the correct legislation. It provides for changes in the structure of the Park. I believe that the legislation will not materially affect the existence or the ownership of the Park and that the realignment that it specifies is necessary. In any case, it is the law and absent a significant and expensive legal battle, will be accomplished, it just needs to be fully understood before irreversible action is undertaken. I apologize for the error.

  28. admin says - Posted: October 27, 2014

    This was emailed to LTN:

    After talking to some of our planners, I wanted to clarify TRPA never received an application for a restroom at the park.

    From what I’ve been able to gather, there might have been some discussions about a restroom project, but the issue was financial. They felt it would be too expensive to hook the restroom up to the sewer system.

    Regardless, TRPA never received an application for the restroom at the park.

    Best –
    Tom Lotshaw
    TRPA Public Information Officer

  29. cosa pescado says - Posted: October 27, 2014

    Damage already done, public riled up. They probably made up their mind already, but here you are, not helping the problem. They aren’t as unreasonable as everyone says they are.

    Well done.