Then and now: Remodel creates a retro look

Shakey’s Pizza used to be where Tep’s is in South Lake. Photo/Provided

Some of the businesses housed in this long-standing structure have included Shakey’s Pizza Parlor (pictured circa 1980), Bijou Furniture Outlet, a black and white shop for casino apparel, the state Department of Employment, Lou Pierini’s Gold & Pawn, and others.

This South Tahoe building was remolded about 10 years ago. Photo/Bill Kingman

The building now houses Tep’s Villa Roma (and weddings) plus Pierini’s continuing business.

Aside from the facelift and remodeling of about 10 years ago, gone are the overhead poles and wires. This provides an improved street view.

At far left in these photos, the Shell service station has converted into Ski Run Liquors.

— Bill Kingman

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Comments (11)
  1. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: October 19, 2014

    Bill, Another good one! Tep’s always has good food with a good salad bar. Lou Pierini has been there a looong time as well. Next door at the Shell station a friend of mine, Bill Horning worked there (this was long before self serve gas stations) so he would operate the pump filling the tank on my 63’Corvair.
    Oh yes, good times! OLS . Thnks Bill

  2. Toogee says - Posted: October 19, 2014

    And originally Tep’s was in the building that now houses Samurai restaurant. And I think Lou and Bob had their pawn shop across the street from Carlos Murphy’s (Chevy’s) in front of the original Fantasy Inn.

  3. Old Fat Skis says - Posted: October 19, 2014

    Thanks Bill for keeping history alive! Great place to eat too. I also remember the Shell gas station. I remember the next owner named Phil, he was a great guy, and moved away. I had my car repaired there once. That’s when all the gas station had auto repair and smog check in the garage. I think Fox gas station was the last one to change. I guess there’s more to be made selling snax.

  4. Steven says - Posted: October 19, 2014

    Does anyone know what the new Autozone next to Izzy’s will look like ? Hope it’s some type of mountain town facade and not just cement brick. Was the city council on top of this ?

  5. Haddi T. Uptahere says - Posted: October 19, 2014

    Great mention of the “penguin” store. Been a long time since black and white dominated the fashion scene here.

  6. Bill Kingman says - Posted: October 19, 2014

    Thanks, H.T.U. — You’ve reminded me: In the 1960s, the stand-alone frame building (now vacant) on Hwy 50 between Motel 6 and O’Reilly’s Auto Parts, most recently “The Rural Squirrel,” was a casino-wear shop called “The Penguin”! It later housed Ponderosa Paints, Insty-Prints, a deli, and I believe some other endeavors.

  7. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: October 19, 2014

    Bill, Yes that building across from the Outdoorsman was at one time The Penguin, a casino clothing store. It also was a small ski shop many years ago where I bought my first pair of “real” skiis as a kid. For a few years it was “Stuffy’s” sandwhich shop for abit. OLS

  8. B.C. says - Posted: October 20, 2014

    everything built in tahoe now looks like a glossy log or a peice of granite (soo natural), im sure there will be no difference in autozone

  9. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: October 20, 2014

    I’d rather have the “glossy log or a piece of granite” facades than the current rotted wood, ugly roofline, chipping paint, dirt or crumbling pavement parking lot look. But then keeping those poor quality constructed 1950s and 1960s dilapidated buildings requires absolutely no investment by their property owners.

    Spouse – 4-mer-usmc

  10. jill says - Posted: October 20, 2014

    love love love these then and now articles!!! keep them going!!! brings back lots of “good old days in Tahoe” memories!!! thanks Bill!!!!!

  11. Steve says - Posted: October 20, 2014

    I remember this building as Nel’s in the late 50’s early 60’s as my brother and I could walk from our home on Fairway Ave to the store and buy toys. Mr. Nelson always had a great selection of model airplanes.