ZCES students walk to raise money

Zephyr Cove Elementary students raise money Oct. 2 during the annual walk-a-thon. Photo/Provided

Zephyr Cove Elementary students raise money Oct. 2 during the annual walk-a-thon. Photo/Provided

Zephyr Cove Elementary School students participated in the school’s annual walk-a-thon Oct. 2 to raise funds necessary to support school activities.

Now in its fifth year, the walk-a-thon represents 15 to 20 percent of the Parent Club budget which helps to support school programs, such as field trips and class projects. With school enrollment up almost 10 percent this year, the funds are well needed and will support a new “place-based” education focus at ZCES. This focus immerses children in the ecology and history of the Lake Tahoe Basin through hands-on projects, special programs and field trips.

More than 30 parents volunteered to assist the 185 students. Several parents and many of the staff also participated by walking and running with the students. The annual event is conducted on the field across from Zephyr Cove Elementary. Each lap represented one-twelfth of a mile. At least five students surpassed the 100 lap mark (over 8 miles).