Controversial Nev. Assembly speaker steps down


By Kyle Roerink, Las Vegas Sun

After facing a firestorm of criticism for racist comments he made publicly, incoming Assembly Speaker Ira Hansen announced that he would not lead the chamber during the upcoming legislative session.

After announcing to his legislative colleagues that he was stepping down, Hansen issued a news release Sunday saying the controversy surrounding him had been an “orchestrated attack.”

“The deliberate character assassination and the politics of personal destruction have totally distorted my views and record,” he said in the release. “Ultimately, this whole attack has very little to do with my views. The powers that be are planning a massive, more than $1 billion, tax increase and I stood in the way as speaker. I have already served two terms as an assemblyman without any of these vicious attacks. It was only when I had risen to leadership that this smear campaign occurred. That is the real reason for this and it is vital the public understands that.”

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Comments (17)
  1. Hmmm... says - Posted: November 24, 2014

    He said what he said.

  2. Justice says - Posted: November 24, 2014

    Freedom of Speech exists for words or not? And how many rappers use much worse language and encourage rape, shootings and murder? Are you demanding any action against them? Or, under King Insane’s encouragement, waiting for the shooting and riots and burning of towns to start?

  3. Hmmm... says - Posted: November 24, 2014

    Absolutely. As does responsibility for what we freely choose to say.

  4. Jed Smith says - Posted: November 24, 2014

    I can’t wait for the verdict. Those fools demand justice … long as the outcome is what THEY want. Can’t wait for Al and Jessie to jump on this….oh, yes and the few mucks in the white house.

    Funny thing, they said nothing about the black cop killing an UNARMED white kid in Utah. Where were Jessie and (bad hair) Al then? That’s right, it doesn’t fit their agenda promoting their hate of whites.

  5. Hmmm... says - Posted: November 25, 2014

    When you say “Those fools demand justice … long as the outcome is what THEY want” are you referring Boehner and Graham’s response to the Benghazi report the Republicans released on Friday?

  6. reloman says - Posted: November 25, 2014

    hmmm ofcourse he is not are you not following the news, hes talking about ferguson and the crowd rousers he is talking about is Al Sharpeton and Jesse Jackson, bout who are trying to make headlines for themselves.

  7. Jed Smith says - Posted: November 25, 2014

    Right! And now that the verdict didn’t go their way they are showing us the true animals they are. Burn and loot their own towns. Brilliant. I know…let’s ask Darwin what he thinks.

  8. Justice says - Posted: November 25, 2014

    These 50 million of King Insane’s welfare army aren’t known for being smart enough to think that burning their own stores where they buy things has any consequences for them as they will demand public transportation to other areas and new housing when they burn their projects down and new welfare increases for “livable wages” so they can get raises for their actions.

  9. Hmmm... says - Posted: November 25, 2014

    @Relo…of course I am aware of that. You are not the only one who occasionally enjoys pointing out selective focus. I was being sardonic.

  10. Hmmm... says - Posted: November 25, 2014

    If one reads Hansen’s quoted statements, when one reads inJustice’s and Mr. Smith’s comments above, it is easy to see that troglodytic race baiting is alive on these posts.

    Nobody in their right mind wants wholesale violence.

    InJustice’s abd Jed’s rants remind me of a cross between O’Reilly and Limbaugh.

  11. reloman says - Posted: November 25, 2014

    Hmmm , I was just wondering what your remark had to do with Ferguson, Benghazi is the type of non issue that all parties like to bring up as one, these type of things are also brought up by the liberals when they are out of office. I would hope that you would think that rioting is a much bigger issue than some political gamesmanship. The rioters are really being stupid, they are just ruining their own town. What happens to their town when the many shops don’t rebuild, less jobs and no place for them to shop. It only hurts them in the long run. Much like the Watts riots in the 60s and the Rodney King Riots. It took a very long time to rebuild those neighborhoods. The residents did not have even a good inexpensive grocery store because the big ones refuse to go in.

  12. Justice says - Posted: November 25, 2014

    If every government housing project was torn down crime would be greatly reduced and the savings could be put to far better purposes and riots and burnings of businesses would go down. When people live without ownership of anything on the govt. dole, don’t pay taxes, have no idea what an honest job is, use drugs 24/7, drop out of school young and grow up without parents and become parents as teens it is trouble. The welfare payment under King Hussein increases for every child and they keep having more and the offspring are shuttled off to live under Grandma’s welfare roof, this problem gets worse and worse every year, and all the left wants to do is throw more billions into it and talk about what a terrible place this country is. The numbers on welfare have doubled in six years and King Hussein is directly responsible by cancelling the work requirements and welfare cut-offs, yet the national media is silent and the danger grows as the numbers rise monthly and now for certain trouble coming, add Hussein’s amnesty from crimes for non-citizens here illegally. Next might be a national prisoner release and massive pardons for “select” agenda people.

  13. Kevin Murphy says - Posted: November 25, 2014

    Hey Justice, I talked with your Mom the other day and she said to tell you to clean up down there in her basement and get a job this week or she’s turning off your access to the internet.

  14. Hmmm... says - Posted: November 25, 2014

    Relo-My response about Benghazi DIDN’T apply, that WAS my point. I didn’t think Jed’s or inJustice’s references to Ferguson on an article about a racist Nevadan being called on his chit applied either, except to serve as a backdrop for their own racist rants.

    My thoughts on Ferguson-it’s like bad Greek Tragedy where both sides of the ideological fence(neither of which I agree with) are locked into a role that they cannot/will not step away from. Their responses seem entirely scripted. I agree with you that rioting hurts one’s cause in both the short and long runs-i think it is misplaced rage and frustration. I think the media(left and right) and the state and local government added logs and gasoline to a potential bonfire, and frustrated angry locals responded(as was hoped for by most involved) to the decision by the Grand Jury(which was flawed from the outset) by providing the spark. That it was released late in the day was an obvious set-up for failure or success depending on your desired response.

    Bread and circuses, in my opinion. And the rich get richer by playing the poor blacks against the poor whites.

  15. Justice says - Posted: November 25, 2014

    It is a shame when the “poor” who get on the government poverty program by choice and take the crumbs of dependence are the problem as this creates the anger in inner-cities and is the failure of the federal government under Hussein who has doubled the numbers is six short years.

  16. Hmmm... says - Posted: November 25, 2014

    All by himself, did he?

  17. Justice says - Posted: November 25, 2014

    It is hard to think at times that policies matter and have consequences and that there were people who were dumb enough to vote for the “dope and mange” agenda twice that took welfare reform and cancelled it and made it welfare expansion and that it is on full display with hard numbers that don’t lie although liars do about them.