Gas prices continue to decline


Gas prices keep going down — and it’s not just in Lake Tahoe.

AAA says the average price nationwide of $2.93 is the lowest since 2010 and that this is the longest consecutive decline in six years. Prices have been dropping for the last 46 days.

Prices in California have dropped by 40 cents. However, it does not have the cheapest fuel. That designation goes to South Carolina at $2.67. The most expensive is in Hawaii at $3.99.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report


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Comments (23)
  1. Biggerpicture says - Posted: November 13, 2014

    All the hate for Obama as it rose.

    Where’s the love as it goes down?

    Oh, now you get it, he has nothing to do with it.

    How convenient.

  2. reloman says - Posted: November 14, 2014

    bigger presidents rarely have any impact on gas prices unless they is a posibility of a war. Gas prices are going down because of the law of supply and demand supply has gone up due to the us producing more oil and OPEC is hoping that if it goes low enough it will hurt the producers in the us enough to getbthem to stop drilling

  3. cosa pescado says - Posted: November 14, 2014

    Their point is that some conservatives are ridiculous.
    In 2012 the president was blamed for wanting high gas prices by rush and others. And recently fuxed news is making some fuss about how the prices are low and related to the president. We’re all on the same page here, the conservative media is ridiculous and their listeners are easily fooled.

  4. Justice says - Posted: November 14, 2014

    Environmental policies from DC which pertain to the US production do have price impacts and can be influenced by federal policy. State policy like Moon-Beams CARB taxes are set to hit early next year and will increase prices with reports of 50 cents to over a dollar a gallon. Of course old senile liberals and Chicago radicals could care less what the impact is to taxpayers as neither has ever been known to have a non government job and now both have tax payer paid drivers and tax payer bought mansions. For years the GOP has sought to increase domestic production and avoid and limit further foreign Middle East dependence and to import more from Canada and Eastern Europe and also via the long politically delayed Keystone project. South America also has a lot of oil and a lot of corruption and crime preventing the exploration and use of it.

  5. Biggerpicture says - Posted: November 14, 2014

    Justice you can go to Michigan which is a Republican controlled state where the voters just voted to raise the gas tax to what will be the highest in the nation.

    Spin that to blame it on we liberals.

  6. Justice says - Posted: November 14, 2014

    US production is the reason for low prices and this is at a state level and it is a sure bet this is coming out of GOP states. The Carb tax will hit and hit hard and was never voted on. Michigan raised their taxes to try to fix their roads it appears and the state is a waste-land of failed Dem cities. It was a bi-partisan effort not a one party liberal Cal system. And it is a tax replacing a tax.

  7. Justice says - Posted: November 14, 2014

    What people find laughable is Obummer has nothing to do with lowering prices as his agenda has been defeated and put on hold for six years and he is on film saying what he wanted to do to the price of energy which was to tax and raise prices under some old Al Gore scheme and he never could because the first two years after the election when the Dems controlled Congress Obummer was hiding on the golf course and working on the biggest lie called Obummer Scare. This was all before the scandals started to be discovered. Now the Obummer’s are without a Congress and the biggest Constitutional crises will be arriving soon when he attempts to break the law over amnesty for illegals.

  8. Gaspen Aspen says - Posted: November 14, 2014

    The president has made it clear he has reckless disregard for federal law. Why he hasn’t been charged is a mystery….but then maybe not.

  9. nature bats last says - Posted: November 14, 2014

    Injustice bla bla, rag on everyone, bla bla bla, point fingers, bla bla bla, blame blame blame bla bla bla, rag whine, bla bla, eat crow, choke, bla bla bla…

  10. rock4tahoe says - Posted: November 14, 2014

    Omg… gas prices are down and it is ALL President Obama’s fault! Omg… Ebola is out of America and it is all Obama’s fault! Omg… GDP is up and it is all Obama’s fault! Omg… Unemployment is down and it is all Obama’s fault! Omg… Stock Markets at record highs and it is all Obama’s fault! Omg… consumer confidence is at 89.4% and it is all Obama’s fault! Omg! Violent crime rates are dropping and it is all Obama’s fault!

  11. Kevin Murphy says - Posted: November 14, 2014

    How delusional does a person have to be to want to go back to the horrific failure of the reaganomics zombie economic model as opposed to steady progress in the face of unprecedented obstructionism by the willfully ignorant?

  12. TahoeDave says - Posted: November 14, 2014

    I love watching liberal progressives lose.

  13. Builder says - Posted: November 14, 2014

    Just wait, there is a new California CARB fuel tax that will hit us the first of the year. From what I have read it will be about $.60 per gallon. Perfect timing to put on a new tax when prices are falling.

  14. Carsons Pass says - Posted: November 14, 2014

    Builder: You can thank the liberal and cunning Moonbutt for this up coming TAX…oops I mean a FEE…..HE will impose without any votes from the people he is PAID to serve and represent.

  15. Justice says - Posted: November 14, 2014

    Great comparison between a GOP state and a liberal state as what will happen is Nevada will yet again score big with gas being bought by anyone within an hours drive and while they are there they will do their shopping and get their plastic bags. This reverse economic growth this state encourages could only come from liberals who can’t chase out tax payers fast enough.

  16. nature bats last says - Posted: November 14, 2014

    Oh justice, your wisdom and soothing manner makes me want PUKE

  17. TahoeDave says - Posted: November 14, 2014

    What would you want PUKE, bats last?? What do you do with it?

  18. Justice says - Posted: November 14, 2014

    Ill-Natured bat apparently likes to be gross and might each too much guano and has a pea brain that doesn’t work, maybe works best faking illness to some liberals who would believe it.

  19. rock4tahoe says - Posted: November 14, 2014

    Former Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed SB 375 aka The Sustainable Communities and Climate Protection Act of 2008.

    At the signing of SB 375 Arnold said, “What this will mean is more environmentally-friendly communities, more sustainable developments, less time people spend in their cars, more alternative transportation options and neighborhoods we can safely and proudly pass on to future generations.

    SB 375 goal is to reduce California Emissions to 1990 levels by the year 2020.

    Based on the last Ebola “crisis,” I would suspect that this new “gas tax carbon crisis” will fair about the same; yawn.

  20. Justice says - Posted: November 14, 2014

    Arnold, when not impregnating that un- gorgeous maid or the strange “wife” the Mummy, was a Holly-weird leftist and a joke. He has about the same level of respect as the leftist Fraud Al-Gored. Both are national jokes.

  21. rock4tahoe says - Posted: November 14, 2014

    Justice. I think Nurse Ratched is calling you now.

  22. nature bats last says - Posted: November 19, 2014

    Justass is a mean bully and deserves all the c÷@p he gets. What a worm he is.