Gun background checks headed to Nev. ballot


By Associated Press

LAS VEGAS — Proponents of gun owner background checks say they’re submitting almost 250,000 signatures to Clark County election officials for a Nevada ballot measure to strengthen screening and reporting of weapon purchases.

Nevadans for Background Checks spokeswoman Kayla Keller says the organization will hand in on Wednesday well more than twice the approximately 102,000 signatures needed to qualify the initiative for the 2016 statewide ballot.

The group points to passage last week in Washington State of a measure making that state the seventh, plus the District of Columbia, to require universal background checks for all sales and transfers of firearms.

Nevada currently requires criminal and mental health background checks for gun buyers making purchases from licensed dealers, but not for purchases from private sellers or exhibitors at gun shows.


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Comments (32)
  1. nature bats last says - Posted: November 13, 2014

    Its about time. Every state should demand this kind of scrutiny on owning guns.

  2. tahoeadvocate says - Posted: November 13, 2014

    I agree and also for the sale of every item which kills people, knives, cars, baseball bats, axes, gasoline, hammers, etc. even though those items aren’t protected under the 2nd amendment to the US Constitution.

    Don’t be selective.

  3. Hmmm... says - Posted: November 13, 2014

    Can’t exactly walk into a theater or elementary school with a box of hammers and mow a dozen people down can I? Anyone who makes that ridiculous comparison as an argument for doing nothing about access to certain weapons is dumb as a box of….well, you know.

  4. map says - Posted: November 13, 2014

    Please. I moved to Nevada to get away from all the CA nuts and their liberal ideas.

  5. Trevor halliday says - Posted: November 13, 2014

    “Can’t exactly walk into a theater or elementary school with a box of hammers and mow a dozen people down can I? Anyone who makes that ridiculous comparison as an argument for doing nothing about access to certain weapons is dumb as a box of….well, you know.”

    Well, actually you can do some pretty good damage with a wood handle and a steel chunk on the end of it.

    And here is another one

    I have several more if Hmmm is interested in having proof that he has just compared himself to a box of……. well, you know.

  6. Justice says - Posted: November 13, 2014

    All of the Cal liberal nuts have ruined every state they have ever invaded. The new law should be to confine them in LA or the Bay.

  7. Hmmm... says - Posted: November 13, 2014

    @map-keep going east, hopefully you’ll wind up in Kansas, Texas or Oklahoma. Take that **** with a keyboard inJustice with you.

  8. reloman says - Posted: November 13, 2014

    hmmm, though you have a right to disagree). I believe all Americans(no matter how disagreeable the other person is) have the right to live in what ever state they wish. If you don’t like what they write skip over it whenever you see their gibberish. Don’t let them draw you into it. It will do no good just raise your blood pressure which is not good for anybody.

  9. legal beagle says - Posted: November 14, 2014

    What impresses me the most is the fight to the death (ok, it may be a pun) that lib lawyers and the ACLU will do to prevent justice to these murderous monsters. These demons and devils (killers not lawyers) must be destroyed and returned to the earth. Because these monsters are a big money making machine for the lawyers, experts, and consultants they have a
    natural constituency of supporters.

  10. Atomic says - Posted: November 14, 2014

    The NRA is a mafia organization masquerading as a rights advocacy group. They are, once again, purely an industry mouthpiece. Its all about the money. The republicans won big in this mid term election, largely because old, mad, scared FOX news bots were the only ones who voted. Shame on the rational electorate. Yet gun control legislation went the other way. More states sobered up. Argue all you want, but most Americans realize we are on a runaway train with this gun nonsense. No other civilized country tolerates this gun insanity.

  11. legal beagle says - Posted: November 14, 2014

    You are right Atomic. Those 5 million mafia NRA members are out to get you. Though with your Atomic artillery you can probably defend yourself.

  12. Atomic says - Posted: November 14, 2014

    No boogeyman in my message. A large MAJORITY of NRA MEMBERS support background checks, go figure. This thing is all out of whack. Money.

  13. Hmmm... says - Posted: November 14, 2014

    @Trevor…Seriously? Did you look at the links you posted? Comparing the damage a group of 14 ‘well planned and well prepared’ terrorists with axes, knives, a can of gasoline and a match can do to community workers(sort of like neighborhood watch members) and police who come to their house to investigate complaints(in small groups, not all at once) with what one person can do bursting into a crowded movie theater with an AR-15 assault rifle, a Remington 12-gauge 870 shotgun, and a 40-caliber Glock is just a little ridiculous. The context is slightly different.

    Even IF I was a demented whack-a-mole champion(I’m not) AND had all the meth in the world(I don’t) I couldn’t release 50-60 hammers a minute, even if the movie was REALLY REALLY bad.

    Your comparison is either intentionally disingenuous or sloppy research. Either way it isn’t a fitting critique to my original comment. Nice try.

    @Relo- I’m not advocating ‘forcing’ anyone to live anywhere they don’t want to. I do think hatemongers such as inJustice would be happier living closer to other bottom feeding trailer trash such as himself(Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh come to mind), since he continually laments his misfortune at having to tolerate ‘liberals’. For the most part I don’t mind challenging such outrageous falsehood with satire and hyperbole… Thanks for your concern about my bp, though. I think I’ll be OK.

  14. Justice says - Posted: November 14, 2014

    This country has a crime and felons with guns problem and if they are dealt with by being put away and deported the gun crime rate would be heavily reduced. Has NOTHING to do with the NRA which supports LAW ABIDING gun owners. One more time LAW ABIDING, look that word up and several times for low info air heads who have no idea about who causes crime, hint, it is a vast majority of felons and criminal gangs with guns killing people.

  15. Level says - Posted: November 14, 2014

    Justice, please enlighten us with exactly how many of the mass shootings in the schools over the last few years were perpetuated by persons who had previous felony convictions, or by undocumented foreign workers.

  16. rock4tahoe says - Posted: November 14, 2014

    If guns prevented violence, America would be the safest place to live on the planet; we have the most guns per capita at close to 90 weapons per 100 persons. Unfortunately, America is about the 13th worst in overall gun deaths (homicides & suicides) with 10 per 100k of population; Japan has a rate of .06 per 100k of population and Australia has a rate of .86 per 100k of population.

  17. Justice says - Posted: November 14, 2014

    Consider this;
    Gun ownership and military service is required for Swiss Men and they have one of the lowest crime rates and don’t allow illegal immigration.
    Also un-level- mass shootings are a very rare event compared to criminal murders and being soft on crime doesn’t help any of it, does it?

  18. rock4tahoe says - Posted: November 14, 2014

    Switzerland drafts every able bodied man between 20 and 30 years old into the Military. Yes, they are required to have a gun that the Swiss Government highly regulates along with the ammunition. Switzerland has about 46 guns per 100 citizens and 4 gun related deaths per 100k of population.

    Switzerland also has a high rate of immigration at about 20% of their population. You can apply for Swiss citizenship after 12 years. The Swiss “re-naturalization” process is somewhat confusing, but in essence it allow people that married and left Switzerland to become citizens again fairly easily on return.

  19. Justice says - Posted: November 14, 2014

    In other words Rock, I am correct and you are wrong about your more guns more crime theory. It is false. More criminals with guns equals more crime, this has always been true and maybe what you meant to say if you were aware, think Mexico, guns are outlawed except for outlaws and the corrupt. This is why the 2nd Amendment protects LAW ABIDING citizens as criminals don’t obey laws and use stolen guns from wherever they can get them and whatever country bordering this one they can get them across the border from.

  20. legal beagle says - Posted: November 14, 2014

    Hummm, I bet you voted for Goldwater in 64.

  21. Justice says - Posted: November 14, 2014

    And HMMM-LESS you should know Rush was a resident of this county when he worked in Sac and lived in EDH. You may not agree with him, but millions do. It is the 90% of the states against the liberal 10% fringe. The same ones that just voted and the ones that pay taxes that support this country are the ones who defeated the liberal loon agenda.

  22. rock4tahoe says - Posted: November 14, 2014

    Guns are not outlawed in Mexico. Mexico is rated 12th with 11 gun deaths per 100k population; right next to America.

    Switzerland is ranked 20th with 4 gun deaths per 100k population.

    Clearly more guns does not equal less gun violence and some countries do a better job regulating guns.

  23. rock4tahoe says - Posted: November 14, 2014

    Rush is a College dropout dope addict comedian, everyone knows that.

    90% of the States? In the 2014 Elections Nationwide, Republicans got 52% of the vote but 57% of the seats in the House; with a 12% Approve/80% Disapprove rating.

  24. Justice says - Posted: November 14, 2014

    Rock, guns are not outlawed in Mexico? Except for those guns as thought best for cartels and corrupt police and corrupt military use, get the picture? There is one legal gun store in Mexico heavily monitored by the “authorities” including the corrupt Mex Govt. who wants to know who is there and what they are doing there and if you know what that means and the danger you don’t go there. You’re naïve but this is typical.

  25. reloman says - Posted: November 14, 2014

    It is interesting that a lot of posters here think that fox news 1.7 Million views (40% of which are moderate of liberals) out of the 330 million people in the us. Are enough to put so many conservatiesin office . Do you really think 1.7 Million veiwers can really control any election. There are way more far right liberals out there just in northern California. There are only about 1 million true foxboxs.

  26. Biggerpicture says - Posted: November 14, 2014

    Rock, let’s not forget the fact that old Rushbo plead guilty to fraud to avoid felony drug charges stemming from doctor shopping to get over 2,000 prescription pain pills in 6 months.

    Think about that you Rush lovers.

    Your patron saint admitted to being guilty of fraud. And yet you lap up every word he says as manna from heaven.

    And you call liberals sheep!

  27. Justice says - Posted: November 14, 2014

    It seems to come down to liberals anger over their failures in media that they have with Fox and talk radio. They are angry they can’t connect with people anymore and no-one believes them anymore. This anger turns to insanity and isn’t getting better. Liberal manipulated media is a failure yet still they try to lie and deny. It worked for Insane Hussein and people hope he is the last lying fraud and liberal media creation outside of the Clintons.

  28. Hmmm... says - Posted: November 14, 2014

    @Beagle….my bike has training wheels in ’64.

  29. Hmmm... says - Posted: November 14, 2014

    had, not has.

  30. Hmmm... says - Posted: November 14, 2014

    You know, inJustice, your rants kinda sound like Rush’s….mean, nasty and totally disconnected from any semblance of sanity.

  31. Justice says - Posted: November 14, 2014

    Hmm-less you are in a minority position in a rural conservative county, you are angry that much comes across, go where you will be happy and that is back home and it isn’t here. You are wasting your time here and it angers you and your kind, go back home.