Nonprofits benefit from celebrity golf tourney

Twenty-two nonprofits are sharing $48,000 from the 2014 American Century Championship.

Lake Tahoe Visitors Authority in partnership with NBC Sports and American Century Investments previously directed an additional $67,200 through on-site volunteer organizations and other efforts during tournament week to area high schools, Soroptimist International of South Lake Tahoe, South Lake Tahoe Booster Club, Boys & Girls Club of South Lake Tahoe, and the Gene Upshaw Scholarship.

From the $48,000, local cancer support programs involving Barton Memorial Hospital Foundation and the Cancer League received $13,000.

Grants of $3,000 went to Assistance League of Sierra Foothills, Christmas Cheer Food Bank, Food Bank El Dorado County, Suicide Prevention Network, and Tahoe Arts Project; with $2,000 each to Douglas County Parks & Recreation: Kahle Community Center, Lake Tahoe Educational Foundation, and Live Violence Free.

Programs receiving $1,000-$1,500 included Bringing Arts to Schools, El Dorado County Search and Rescue, Juvenile Service Council, Lake Tahoe Community College Foundation, Tahoe Basin Senior Citizens Center, Tahoe Community Church Food Pantry, Tahoe Magic, Tahoe Prosperity Center, Tahoe Regional Young Professionals, Tahoe Senior Plaza and Whittell Boosters Club.

The 26th annual American Century Championship is July 14-19.