NTPUD general manager let go

North Tahoe Public Utility District is in need of a general manager after ousting Paul Schultz this week.

The unanimous decision was made in closed session Nov. 25 during a special meeting.

Schultz has been general manager since April 2011, though he had worked as the manager of planning and engineering for a year prior to that.

CFO Larry Marple will be interim general manager during this recruitment process.

The personnel committee meets Dec. 2 at 2pm at the North Tahoe Event Center in Kings Beach to discuss the recruitment process. The full board meets again Dec. 9.

“We have full confidence in our staff to handle all aspects of the district’s operations during this transition. The board thanks Paul Schultz for his dedicated service and professionalism while working for the district over the last five years. We wish him the best in his future endeavors,” NTPUD board President Lane Lewis said in a statement.

NTPUD made headlines earlier this year when it went head-to-head with California State Parks and California Tahoe Conservancy regarding who operated what in Kings Beach. Ultimately NTPUD gave up operation of the events center.

Details of Schultz’s departure or reasons were not given.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report