Officials: Water is going to cost more in Calif.


By Sharon Bernstein, Reuters

Californians face higher water prices and permanent conservation measures amid drought, global warming and population growth in a state that has long struggled to satisfy urban and agricultural needs, the administration of Governor Jerry Brown said Thursday.

It will take up to $500 billion to improve the state’s water infrastructure to improve supplies, reduce flood risk and shore up the fragile ecosystems that provide water for people, farms and wildlife, the state’s top natural resources officials said in a long-awaited update to California’s water plan.

“Water is going to cost more for Californians in the future,” said Mark Cowin, director of the state department of water resources, in a conference call with reporters on Thursday. “That’s a reality we’re all going to have to get used to.”

But the state has long struggled to meet the water needs of thirsty cities and its mammoth agricultural sector, prompting a century of political fights between the wetter north and the drier south.

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Comments (14)
  1. legal beagle says - Posted: November 3, 2014

    Leave it to Gov. Brown to invite the whole world to ca as permanent residents while we are in a severe drought that doesn’t seem to be going away.
    Oh heck, we will manage. There will just be less and learn to live with it.

  2. Maidens Grave says - Posted: November 3, 2014

    And he will tax us more and more for water….while trying to push his train to nowhere.
    Yes, he has invited ALL ILLEGALS to come into this already over crowded state. There is nowhere for these illegals to live and work. What a horses *ss he is. 500 billion for repairs?!?! SERIOUSLY??? He dribbles brown out of his mouth like he has money.

  3. rock4tahoe says - Posted: November 3, 2014

    OMG! Gas prices are falling to four year lows! OMG! California just passed Italy for the 7th Largest Economy on the Planet! OMG! California has a surplus for the first time since the ENRON scam! OMG! California’s Credit Rating is the highest it has been in 13 years! OMG! California’s unemployment rate is the lowest it has been in six years! OMG! California added 300,000 jobs since last September! OMG! California home values are up 10% from a year ago and 35% from 2012! OMG! California’s violent crime rate is the lowest it has been since 1966!

    OMG! Sounds like some people have Jerry Brown envy and not much else.

  4. go figure says - Posted: November 4, 2014

    The whiners and finger pointers are gonna be so bummed at the end of the day cuz Jerry will be reelected for all the good things that have been accomplished in our state over the last few years. Maybe they will all move to Texas where their kind thrive…

  5. Dogula says - Posted: November 4, 2014

    There was never any doubt that Gerry Brown would be reelected. He didn’t even bother to campaign.
    This state is overwhelmingly left. That’s why so many ARE leaving. We’re escaping with what little we have left before the state manages to take it all.
    What are you going to do when EVERYBODY in the state is on the dole? Who’s gonna bail you out?

  6. Biggerpicture says - Posted: November 4, 2014

    Dogula I’m quite sure that there will be a substantial number of folks on the right who will be voting for Governor Brown as well!

  7. Gaspen Aspen says - Posted: November 4, 2014

    go: And maybe you’ll open your home or land for the tens of thousands of illegals your Moonbutt invited into this already pathetic state with nowhere to house them and few jobs.
    If you can’t see what he is doing then nobody can help you. Join the other sheep in following an old goat. Unless you are an illegal or criminal or welfare sucker, Moonbutt is useless. He has you brainwashed like some of the rest. Yes, he will probably get re-elected because of the ILLEGALs vote or mindless sheeps votes. This state is a pathetic bunch of mindless liberals who are lured into thinking this fool cares about you.
    I don’t expect you to agree at all and frankly don’t care. Maybe you are of the 1% where his idiocy doesn’t matter but for normal, working AMERICANS he is a huge danger to this state.

  8. Kevin Murphy says - Posted: November 4, 2014

    Dogula et al, Don’t let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya.
    Texass would be perfect for y’all.
    Gov. Brown has been very successful in moving California forward from the horrific collapse of our economy in 2008. He will get the support of most of the state’s voters except for the lunatic fringe wingnuts.

  9. Gaspen Aspen says - Posted: November 4, 2014

    Yes, Kevin he has released thousands of criminals into society, wants hundreds of millions to patch dams and infrustructures, wants US to pay for it all and some bullet train nobody will use, and one of his BIGGEST achievements is openly on camera INVITING ALL ILLEGALS into Cali. Last time I checked it was still ILLEGAL to come here without the proper paperwork. SOOO, as YOUR govenor continues to break laws….much like YOUR president….we will all pay the price. Yes, by all means re-elect this out of control old goat. Maybe when you are a victim of his flock you will wake up. I’m not hopeful, nor do I really care what happens to you. Sounds like you fit right in here. You will get what you deserve.

  10. Dogula says - Posted: November 4, 2014

    Actually, Big, I don’t think anybody on the right will vote for Brown. But there’s no way to prove it either way, is there?
    The thing I’m having trouble understanding here in the comment pages is, why is there so much anger from all the lefties if you’re winning?

  11. cheepseats says - Posted: November 4, 2014

    I would define myself as socially liberal and fiscally conservative, so do with my comment what you will …

    All I know is common sense and the real no-spin straight truth seem to have gone the way of the dodo, so to speak. We’re left with hyperbolic rantings and ravings from those who offer nothing more than predictable blathering why they’re right and the other guy is wrong.

    Common sense tells me to be happy there’s a state surplus, but wary of the unfunded liabilities lurking.

    Common sense tells me that while the problem is real, pandering to illegals is nothing more than attempting to secure an electable future.

    Common sense tells me trumpeting the addition of hundreds of thousands of new jobs and supposed low unemployment fails to account for those who have simply stopped looking, for whatever reason.

    Common sense tells me that accusing an elected leader of breaking laws or calling them dumb names does nothing to advance the narrative.

    Common sense tells me that when I see less money in my paycheck due to higher taxes that I should expect to see thoughtful and tangible results, and the accountability should be as plain as day.

    Common sense tells me that it’s a major mistake to emotionally attach and faithfully invest in a political candidate by believing they’re going to truly be great simply because they can articulate a scripted cliche such as “hope and change” or “read my lips.”

    I’ll leave it at that for now …

  12. Biggerpicture says - Posted: November 4, 2014

    Dog, please refer to any anger in any of my comments. And have you read any of the comments of those folks that seem to agree with you, such as Gaspen, Justice and Bitter Clinger? And to infer that NO conservatives will vote for Governor Brown is just plain silly. And there is such a thing as exit polls that will give a general overview of how people voted.

  13. reloman says - Posted: November 4, 2014

    Bigger you are right, i have been voting republician since 1980 but will be voting for Brown today, i like that he is for the most part fiscually conservative.

  14. rock4tahoe says - Posted: November 4, 2014

    Cheep. “Pandering to illegals?” Really? I think your bent is showing. They are Undocumented Workers doing a lot of dirty work in California that no others want to do.

    I know a lot of people that have given up looking for work because they are pushing 70 years old; remember Baby Boomers, they are leaving the workforce at about 8400 – 10000 per day.

    My paycheck hasn’t shrunk since Congress decided to eliminate the Payroll Tax Holiday January of 2013.

    And don’t forget these scripts: “Yes, that I HAVE behaved badly sometimes [around women]” “Mission Accomplished,” “I did not trade arms for hostages,” and “Well, I am not a crook.”