Opinion: Supporting the troops, not the fighting
By Kathryn Reed
I don’t understand war.
I don’t understand how killing people, destroying buildings and ruining large swaths of a country do any good. It might prove who has a better military, better equipment and better technology.
I’m not against having a military. I think we need to be prepared to protect what is ours because there will always be those who want to take it from us.
I suppose I am more idealistic than I should be. It’s not that I see things with rose-colored glasses, but I truly don’t see how weapons solve problems – at any level of engagement. I don’t believe violence is an answer to any problem.
Today is Veterans Day, so my thoughts turn to the men and women who have and continue to serve our country in the military.
My nephew is one of them. He is in Special Forces for the Army.
Chris is deployed right now. We don’t know where. My sister and brother-in-law know what continent, but that’s it. And they aren’t telling the rest of the family. Based on what is going on in the world I would venture to guess it’s Africa. And a further guess is ISIS or Ebola are what he and his brethren are dealing with.
He left this summer less than a month after his daughter was born. It’s not like he could tell his boss no or even quit his job without severe consequences. He had no opportunity to take paternity leave. No chance to bond with Annabella. Chris is supposed to be back in March, but the military makes few promises.
When he has been deployed before – in times of war even if Congress never said that’s what was going on – I would send care packages. This time they said don’t send baked goods (which is what I like to send) because it could take a while before the boxes ever reach the guys.
I’m proud of Chris for doing what he is doing even if I don’t really know what he is doing. It is a unique individual who can train for anything, accept orders and go do a job even while disagreeing with the mission. I couldn’t do it. I’m too opinionated and always want to know the “why” behind things.
I support our troops and those who have been in the military. My family has had our share of those who have served. I just can’t support the senseless death and destruction that seems to be what the military is all about.