Opinion: Unthankful for many LTN commenters

By Kathryn Reed

At tables throughout the Unites States today people will be giving thanks.

But what about the other days? Do we just take things for granted the other 364 days of the year? Do we forget to slow down and pause to appreciate what we have?

Yes, many in the Lake Tahoe Basin and elsewhere are still struggling economically. Yes, the divide between haves and have nots is growing. Yes, there is plenty to wallow in.

We all have something we are dealing with that others may not be aware of – it may be an illness, relationship issues, work or the lack thereof, money woes, or any number of problems.

But it’s how we deal with our problems that define who we are. It’s how we interact with others – especially those who are different than us that define our character.

Sometimes it seems like our society has been devolving instead of evolving. We have forgotten how to have civil discourse. We have forgotten how to disagree with one another without being disagreeable.

It’s at all levels of our society – elected officials, managers, employees. It’s between family members.

We have forgotten how to express our opinions without calling others names. We have forgotten that others have a right to opinions that are different from our own.

Commenters on Lake Tahoe News are some of the worst offenders. Name-calling is rampant. The diatribe is getting old. You may think someone has a stupid idea, but that does not make that person stupid.

Why do so many things have to be conservative or liberal in nature? Why does a line in the sand have to be drawn?

I have liberal and conservative family members and friends. That isn’t what defines them. We can have lively discussions and still part friends or have a glass of wine together. Listening to one another we learn and grow. We don’t call each other names. We stick to the issue – we attack that, not each other.

It’s time for Lake Tahoe News commenters to learn to do the same. The anger and hate are getting old and tiresome.

I would be thankful if the commenters learned to be respectful, stick to the topic of the story and stop attacking others – and instead only attacked ideas and thoughts. And I would be most thankful if the commenters actually added to the discussion, presented ideas, solutions and ideas.

Happy Thanksgiving!