Poll: Calif. ready for Feinstein, Boxer to retire
By Aaron Blake, Washington Post
Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, both California Democrats, are two of the most well-liked senators in one of the safest states in the country for their party.
And their constituents would prefer that they be replaced.
A new poll from USC shows that although Feinstein and Boxer have image ratings that are much more positive than negative (by double digits), about six in 10 Californians (59 percent) would prefer that they not seek reelection. Just three in 10 (29 percent) say they should run again.
Nearly half of Californians — 48 percent — say they “strongly” want new people to run. Even among Democrats, 44 percent say it’s time for new blood, while 43 percent say the two senators should seek re-election.
It’s been almost 20 years since I lived and voted in California; as with most politicians, I have differences with both Feinstein and Boxer. But it’s insane to simply abandon a politician who represents your positions in favor of an unknown, largely because congress is mostly influenced by its most experienced members (as well as, these days, a group of crazies), and continuity in representation is a powerful force.
With the same reasoning, I’m not always in agreement with my senator, Harry Reid, but he represents my political philosophies and so represents me.
To me, the most significant thing about this article is how much the Washington Post has fallen from its previously held position as one of our nations great newspapers and political analysts.
I lived in California for 34 years. Diane, was in office when I arrived, and she’s still in office.
She was mayor of San Francisco before I moved to CA. Remember, she made hand guns illegal in the city, but she kept one in her purse. Because some pigs are more equal than others.
Any politician who makes rules for others that they themselves do not abide by has no business in office.
These two radical leftists don’t reflect a majority and it is way past time for them to go. This election has neutered these old windbags from having any power for many years and they will be long out of office by then.
Dog and injustice, you all have politician envy…just cuz youll never amount to a hill of beans dosnt mean others dont. Some people are obviously good at what they do, and the voters have chosen these two women over and over. I am glad they have represented me for all these years. They deserve to retire or choose other pursuits. You two, on the other hand have mouths full of sour grapes.
Sour grapes? Really? I’m just calling her a hypocrite. How can you justify making a law for the little people that doesn’t apply to her?
I mean, politicians do it all the time, but it sure doesn’t make it right. there is no justification for such hypocrisy. Yet you find it admirable.
Like I said, I do not understand how you think.
Oh, and you have no idea what kind of a ‘hill of beans’ I have amounted to. Don’t be presumptuous.
Really kind of interesting that on this board many from the left put down people who vote for the right as non thinking, when those same people will vote only for a democratic ticket, not matter the qualifications or that the republican candidate is shown to be much better for the position. I am personally a republician yet will vote the man or woman not the ticket. I voted for Brown and Feinstein but would never vote for Boxer or Pelosi.
Regardless if you like them or not it’s probably time for a new generation of leaders.
I can be a presumptious as I want. Who are you to tell me or anyone how or what to be. I take no direction, or really anything you post, with any regard. Its just bla bla bla, mindless dribble…
Fighting back at the people who post, yet never addressing the hypocrisy of your politician. . .
No one should be able to make a living being a politician. Professional politicians are what is destroying this country and so many others.
Business Owner: you certainly have that right.
I believe there is still more to come.
Harry Reid ? Is the worst Senator in HISTORY, 302 bills sent to him from Congress in the last 4 years and not one brought to the floor for a vote, they are all still sitting on his desk that’s B.S. There must have been one that was good enough to bring to the floor!!
Business owner, I think you have that reply 180 degrees out of phase. We elect novices to incredibly important oversight positions and these people have neither the education or experience to manage very large organizations. The County Supervisors are the perfect illustration. What was Norma’s qualifications to manage a large complicated county?
We should be paying and interviewing professional managers for most of the these oversight positions.
The supervisors should just be advisory and the eyes of the public. They should not be making the day to day decisions like they do today.
“Business owner, I think you have that reply 180 degrees out of phase. We elect novices to incredibly important oversight positions and these people have neither the education or experience to manage very large organizations.”
Moral Hazard, Mr. Obama was an excellent example of that point.
Let the two old hags take a hike. They deserve the rest.