Reno duo arrested in Truckee on multiple charges


Two Reno residents were arrested Oct. 31 in Truckee on numerous felony charges related breaking into residences.

On Halloween officers were notified of two subjects inside a vacant residence for sale. The real estate agent encountered the two subjects exiting the residence. The agent had noticed the two subjects broke into the residence through a back window, moved furniture around and started a fire in the fireplace.

Within minutes an officer spotted the vehicle and made a traffic stop. The vehicle was driven by Breanna Sherven and Hector Avila was the passenger.

Officers said a search of the vehicle revealed methamphetamine packaged for sales, drug paraphernalia, stolen property linked to a burglary in Oroville, numerous suspected stolen cell phones, a realistic replica of a pistol (later identified as an airsoft pistol), 9mm ammunition, and evidence pointing to two burglaries in the Armstrong tract subdivision in Truckee.

Anyone with additional information is asked to call Truckee police at 530.550.2320.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report


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This article was written by admin


Comments (18)
  1. Maidens Grave says - Posted: November 3, 2014

    More trolls off the street. Good job!

  2. Justice says - Posted: November 3, 2014

    If people want more crime, more criminals, more drug addicts like this breaking into houses and looking for valuables and a place to live, keep voting for liberals who have released thousands of felons on the streets and want to release more criminals while state prison buildings sit empty, they want to keep the borders open for illegals who are not only on crime sprees everywhere, but also killing officers and many others and costing billions for taxpayers, and liberals like Moonbeam want to rewrite laws to make serious crimes like thefts and thefts of guns a minor crime. Wake up people, these crime sprees are becoming weekly and close to home!

  3. go figure says - Posted: November 3, 2014

    Justice BITE ME

  4. go figure says - Posted: November 3, 2014

    You better get your gun loaded and cover the windows cuz their coming to get you, paranoid looser that you are….

  5. Hmmm... says - Posted: November 3, 2014

    @inJustice… are really sounding unhinged.

  6. Biggerpicture says - Posted: November 3, 2014

    Justice, only you would use a crime committed by residents of Reno Nevada to bash elected officials in California.

    Pretzel logic.

  7. reloman says - Posted: November 3, 2014

    Bigger n Gofigure, Justice does get boring with the same ramble, i am truely surprised u even read it and let it get under your skin.
    Bigger the crimes were in Cali though, where the suspects live will have no bearing on where they will be tried and spend the time.

  8. Justice says - Posted: November 3, 2014

    The crime spree was in THIS state and transient tweekers usually have a hotel room or a relatives address they claim and are not residents anywhere as they never own or pay taxes just like most felons illegal or legal. Liberals should try to come out of their drug induced comas at some point one would think, but then again maybe not. When the polls close tomorrow we, as a country, will see what the people think about the most incompetent criminal gang of liberals ever elected to office. Clean out time is here!

  9. rock4tahoe says - Posted: November 3, 2014

    OMG Justice! It’s the first vacant homes ever burglarized ever! Evidently it all stems from the TARP Bailout that Neel Kashkari gave to the Banks! Their was a run on the Banks because Kaskari and David Viters were having huge sex parties in Louisiana and Washington DC costing Billions of Dollars! Now Kashkari and Viters have Ebola and HIV from having “weird” sex with their hookers and have sent out thousands of criminals to support their drug treatments!

  10. Big Boy Pants says - Posted: November 3, 2014

    Justice says is a liberal who posts as a conservative to make us think all conservatives are dolts. And he does a darn good job of it. There can be no other explanation.

  11. Justice says - Posted: November 3, 2014

    He muss be sum-kind-a plant by dem right-wingers of some kind cuz I smokes de plant all day and I don’ts know nuttin else less I hears it on dat Obola news networks where I gets my votin structions and EBT card news and latest burka fashion tips.

  12. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: November 3, 2014

    I think that “Justice says” must be just plain ignorant. Why else would anyone possessing a modicum of intellect resort to writing in the manner in which he/she/it wrote that last post? I think they are also a bigot.

    Spouse – 4-mer-usmc

  13. Justice says - Posted: November 3, 2014

    It is a skit or play demonstrating the type of liberal ignorance people face who are conservative in answer to “Big-Little-Boy’s” non-coherent ramblings and not for general reading if you don’t know the context which you obviously don’t without reading the above posts. If you ever served in the USMC you should know better as I have never known a former Marine who was a liberal yet.

  14. Justice says - Posted: November 3, 2014

    Also interesting about fakers claiming to be military, and what was your unit? There was the pretender claiming to be a “Navy Seal” who was arrested recently as an unemployed former Tahoe bar-tender and fraud under the Stolen-Valor law after he conned several local doctors for money.

  15. Dogula says - Posted: November 3, 2014

    Listen to yourselves; Rock is near hysteria in his rants against everyone whose opinion differs from his, on several threads here. And the other usual suspects (spouse? hmmm, gf, etc. . .) are quick to jump on when they think a poster is down. What bullies. It’s all personal insults and ridicule. You call yourselves adults???? No wonder so many kids are so messed up. You ought to be ashamed.

  16. Hmmm... says - Posted: November 3, 2014

    @Dog…Shame on US???

  17. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: November 3, 2014


    If you had read the entire remark under the heading of 4-mer-usmc you would have seen that was signed by “Spouse – 4-mer-usmc”. My wife never served in the Marines but I served from 1961 to 1966, went to boot camp in San Diego, I was transferred to Camp Pendleton 1st Marine Corp Division, then I was transferred to the 3rd Marine Corp Division overseas, and then back to Camp Pendleton. My MOS is 0311, and in case you don’t know, that means grunt. Any other questions Justice?

    In what branch of the military did you serve, if any?


  18. go figure says - Posted: November 4, 2014

    Justice and dogface. Birds of a feather. Ignorant and mean, their parents must be so proud…