Series of Tahoe controlled burns to be lighted

The North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District, Nevada Division of Forestry and the U.S. Forest Service will conduct prescribed fire operations in the Incline Village, Ponderosa Ranch, Tunnel Creek trailhead areas and on scattered urban lots around the Lake Tahoe Basin beginning Nov. 2 and continuing as conditions allow.

Smoke from prescribed fire operations is normal and may continue for several days after an ignition depending on the project size.

Before prescribed fire operations are conducted, the agencies post road signs around areas affected by prescribed fire, send email notifications and update the local fire information line at 530.543.2600, ext. 6. To receive prescribed fire notifications, send an email to

Project Information:

· HRP (Worm), various drainages throughout Incline Village, Second Creek Drainage, Wood Creek Drainage, First Creek Drainage (Incline Village General Improvement District), hand piles, 50 acres.

· PRS/Tunnel Creek, Ponderosa Ranch/Tunnel Creek Trailhead, hand piles, 20 acres.

·  West Wood Creek and West Second Creek, Wood Creek Drainage and Second Creek Drainage, understory, 20 to 40 acres.

· Van Sickle Round 10, Lake Tahoe Nevada State Park, Van Sickle Unit south of Kingsbury Grade with access off Vista and Easy Street, hand piles, 186 acres.

·  Tunnel Creek Prescribed Fire, Tunnel Creek drainage, south of Incline Village, understory, 29 acres.