Then and now: From bank to pet store

Tahoe National Bank

Tahoe National Bank Photo/Private Collection

Tahoe National Bank existed from 1963 to 1979 before being absorbed by Central Bank. One branch was built next to the Tahoe Valley Post Office with a drive-up teller window.

What the building looks like today. Photo/Bill Kingman

What the building looks like today. Photo/Bill Kingman

That building later has housed a clothing outlet store, video rentals, and currently Pet Supermarket.

The Stateline Tahoe National Bank building in 2003. Photo/Bill Kingman

The Stateline area Tahoe National Bank building in 2003. Photo/Bill Kingman

The other branch was built where the Marcus Ashley Gallery now stands in the Village Center near Stateline.

Redevelopment took out the state line branch. Photo/Bill Kingman

Redevelopment took out the branch near the state line. Photo/Bill Kingman

Between that site and the adjacent junction of Pioneer Trail there had been the Swiss Village Motel with a phone booth, a gas station, El Dorado Savings, and the last Stateline, Calif., post office. They were gone with redevelopment.

A steam shovel is needed to remove the bank vault. Photo/Bill Kingman

A steam shovel is needed to remove the bank vault in May 2003. Photo/Bill Kingman

The Stateline TNB building last housed Pacific Pawn. Upon razing the building, the original bank vault inside posed a challenge over several days.

— Bill Kingman


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Comments (10)
  1. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: November 9, 2014

    Bill Kingman, Also from pet store to transform into a comlpletly different place, is Izzy’s,(great burgers, by the way!)
    Sorry to see the old Springmeyer building go down next door to Izzy’s, but maybe, with any luck, the new auto parts store will do well. Take care, and as always, great Tahoe history! Thanks Bill!!! OLS

  2. Bob Fleischer says - Posted: November 9, 2014

    Is Izzy’s going to re-open? If so, when?

  3. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: November 9, 2014

    Bob Fleischer, From what I could tell, Izzy’s closed due to the construction next door. Hopefully they’re opening soon as I could use an order of nacho fries along with an onion orgy burger!
    Keep those stereos pumpin’out the tunes Bob!!! OLS

  4. Bob Fleischer says - Posted: November 9, 2014

    Yep, know Izzy’s closed, believed it was possibly due to the paving, maybe some sort of landlord or property owners agreement with all involved, no information though. Like you, OLS, I live within walking distance, and the occasional burger, fries, heck even greasy onion rings, is a treat….when washed down with a Sierra Nevada Ale.
    Yep, still working on stereos, but my primary work, for years, has been repairing musician’s equipment; still the warranty station for Fender and many others. Finally got around to writing code for a website for the business, not that it attracts much attention.
    Hang in there!….Heavenly opens the 21st….Gondola entrance only, I am sure….I plan to be skiing that morning..

  5. Gail Kolb says - Posted: November 9, 2014

    Izzy’s IZ back open,I just drove by.

  6. Bob Fleischer says - Posted: November 9, 2014

    GOOD!!!!…glad to hear it….

  7. KATHY says - Posted: November 9, 2014


  8. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: November 9, 2014

    It would be fun to put on an “old timers party”, somewhere around here and at a time when some of the folks who’ve been here a few years can make the time to attend.
    The Lake Tahoe Historical Society(541-5458) already does this which is great! This would be just an informal meeting of folks with stories to tell of their times in Tahoe.
    This has been mentioned to me several times by a few folks that been around here awhile, that want to tell their tales!
    I would’nt care if you’ve been here ten years or seventy plus years! We could sit around and tell stories and share a few things of our times livin’ here in Tahoe.
    Any ideas on how to put this together? Call me at
    (530) 544-0760 . OLS

  9. B.C. says - Posted: November 10, 2014

    so izzy’s is a bank turned pet store that old people want to party at?

  10. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: November 10, 2014

    B.C.Good comment! I don’t know what the pet store which much later became Izzy’s was originally, but that little place has been there for quite awhile!
    I was just pointing out how different properties have changed into other things over the years.
    As far as old people getting together to party? Are you offering up your place for the old timers to gather and swap stories? That would be great!
    You might learn some interesting stuff, you goll durn whippersnapper! LOL.( Just jokin’ with ya!! OLS