Work along Truckee River being proposed

The U.S. Forest Service Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit  is accepting comments on a proposal to restore up to nine sections of the Truckee River near Tahoe City.

he Forest Service, the Truckee River Watershed Council and Placer County are working together to address and repair erosion and degraded water quality caused by users accessing the river and the adjacent paved trail from roadside pull-outs on Highway 89.

Under the proposal, the TRWC would restore approximately 900 feet of stream bank and wet meadow by reshaping the river banks through placement of woody material and boulders. The project would redirect access to the paved trail and the river. Restoration work would provide a more diverse habitat for waterfowl, fish and amphibians as well as vegetation such as mountain alder, willow and cottonwood.

The project area is on National Forest System lands on three sites along the Truckee River from approximately 1.3 miles below the Lake Tahoe Dam to just upstream of Alpine Meadows Road. T

Implementation could begin in 2015.

Comments are due by Dec. 23, 2014. For more information on the proposal and how to comment, go online.