Affordable Care Acts cuts down on ER visits
By Phillip Reese, Sacramento Bee
Fewer uninsured Californians are seeking treatment in the state’s emergency rooms, a decline that experts say is a direct result of the federal Affordable Care Act.
The trend represents welcome news for previously uninsured patients who had trouble affording a trip to the emergency room. But it has not brought down ER treatment costs for everyone else, health care experts said, nor has it slowed a years-long increase in overall emergency room traffic.
The Affordable Care Act required most Californians to obtain health insurance by April 15, 2014, or face a penalty. The new figures, reported by hospitals to the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development, show that about 337,000 uninsured patients visited California emergency rooms between April and June, down by 90,000, or 20 percent, from the same quarter in 2013. Put another way, 12 percent of emergency room patients lacked insurance this year, down from 16 percent in 2013.
I blame OBAMA for the decrease in ER visits!
I blame Darren Wilson-and police departments across the country for the decrease and grand juries for a temporary spike, in the numbers.
Figures lie and liars figure.
The idea was to bring costs down and that has not been demonstrated.
Most of the insurance the bias article relates to is welfare or as better known Medicaid,i.e., welfare which is paid for by working taxpayers.
If the ACA is saving money why have insurance premiums skyrocketed for responsible hard working Americans?
Because this country/president is hell bent on caring for the lazy!!
Lb and ga
no matter how you spin the negativity, you would find fault with anything obama has done. So spare us your tea bag dribble….we all know how you feel and think and it means nothing to the 99%
“Because this country/president is hell bent on caring for the lazy!!” Yeah, that’s it.
Now we know why Aspen is gaspin’. It’s the teabag! Wonder who he’s gonna vote for in 2016 if Santorum doesn’t run….
Buahahahahahhaaaaaa enjoy your socialist country. If you can’t see that the pres. is creating this then you deserve what you get.
My political ideologies lead me to support a private healthcare system that is the most expensive in the world and among the least effective. I also misuse words that I label people with. I eat freedom fries and lack an elementary understanding of science.
I’m trying really hard to keep it civil. I would suggest a more realistic label for our style of government…..
noun \plü-ˈtä-krə-sē\
: government by the richest people
: a country that is ruled by the richest people
: a group of very rich people who have a lot of power
plural plu·toc·ra·cies
Full Definition of PLUTOCRACY
: government by the wealthy
: a controlling class of the wealthy
I can see the headlines on Faux, and hear Ted Cruz and Mitch McConnell’s sound byte’s lamenting the poor ER doctors, nurses and staff impoverished by Obama’s thug-loving un-American socialist chicanery! Maybe get John McCain to call it a feckless attack on the insurance companies. But hey, let’s look on the positive side… Rush can FINALLY get a prescription for painpills, Sarah Palin can get treatment for VD, her husband can get treatment for whatever it is he has, and her daughter can get some birth control with simple step by step illustrations showing how to use it. Trump can get hair implants(Boehner’s getting fast-tracked medication for orange skin and tearduct incontinence), Hillary’s getting a makeover, Romney’s getting binders full of women, Reid’s getting a once daily pill for his Electile Dysfunction(since he wasn’t ready when the moment was right) that will also clear up his moderate-to-severe placque psoriasis.
Since it’s turning into a non-partisan Christmas wish list(look Dogula I said Christmas!)- Louie Ghomert can get a brain, Mann Coulter can get a soul, Rand Paul can get a clue…Pelosi can get a lifestyle lift. Bill Clinton can get a Hummer(the SUV-boy some people have dirty minds!) CJMcCoy can get ANOTHER screen name. Justice and Gaspen can each get a case of Preparation-H lip balm(berry flavored is their favorite!). The homeless and the workingman can get f***ed. BigBoyPants can get a belt. Chris Christie can get a dozen bacon cheeseburgers and some humblepie, Cheney and Bush the Deciderer can get an all expenses paid 20 year vacation to The Hague -no wait…i meant to say a pardon!….i could go on and on and on-this stuff practically writes itself!
Hmmm: Glad I made your list. I do like Berry flavored.
It hasn’t been a “private” medical care system in 50 years. Medicine and insurance have been heavily regulated by the government, especially in California, for a long time now. THAT has been the primary reason for it being so expensive.
A true free market rewards open competition and innovation. Government regulation restricts both, leading to scarcity, which causes prices to rise.
Highest cost, by far. Bottom 1/3 of results. YAAAAY MURICAH.
Every other system that has a “socialized” component is more efficient and more effective. By far.
Hey, we pay more, and get less, and let’s do more of what makes us the worst.
Bottom 1/3 of results? Where do you get that from? Why do so many people come HERE for treatment they can’t get in Canada, or elsewhere?
You didn’t address the fact that we HAVE been semi-socialized for a long time. It’s those people who have been stuck in a completely socialized system who have been coming here, because even a little freedom made us better. obama’s dealt the death blow to that.
Health care metrics. Data.
We are about as good as Brazil. And spend more per capita and as % GDP than number two, Switzerland, who has a top 10 performing system, and has a private/public model. Go do your own homework, check the UN, WHO, etc, etc.
Deny it all you want, as you have done before. It is the most expensive system by far. And we are in the bottom 1/3 performance wise. For profit models are not always the best. For something as important as healthcare the results are intolerable. We aren’t even mediocre.
The facts do not support your worldview or philosophy.
Dog –
Hmmm, that list is the best thing ive read on this blog, well ever. Im still laughing….thanks
Thanks…you should see what i edited out.
Screw you ya commie sons of ——!!! My rates for my family doubled so i could help the lazy. thanks alot,. Yeah cosa, hmm, and nat…
Excuse me???
@Business owner-how’s business? You seem tense. Maybe your health care plan covers alternative medicine(such as massage or craniorectal disengagement) or counseling services for your anger issues. Something OTHER than pharmaceuticals, of course. With that kind of anger, sweetie, you really should turn in your weapons to the nearest authorities, lest you lose your thin veneer of self control (some people are ALWAYS blaming others for their circumstance, huh?)
and go postal.
I hope you have a Merry Christmas! May the reason for the $ea$on fill your heart with good will for your fellow man. Cuz you know, bro…this is the time when Chri$tian$ celebrate the myth of the miraculous birth of their $avior who came preaching a message of Love and Forgiveness. I’m no longer a Christian due to the hypocrisy of most Christians and of their Church, but I seem to recall Christ having a slightly different set of behavioral guidelines, recommendations and opinions concerning the poor and those in need, and how we should treat them than our current Republican and Libertarian plutocrats and their henchmen(here is where you stand up, bow and wave to the audience).
Anyhow like I said, you seem tense. Perhaps the fear of one day meeting your maker and having to account for your hatred and judgement of your fellow man is getting to you.
Hmmm..halfway through your first sentence i realized you are completely full of it. Just lkke your other long winded lame responses that i didnt bother reading.
Obamacare is costing my family $6000 more a year. Plus my deductibles went up. I lost the plan i like and my favorite pediatrician went to oregon cause cali is so ridiculous. Its very difficult to find an agent because the govt mandated that they cant make money on policies. Not to mention the 1099’s that half to be filled out for any transaction over $500 which isnt being enforced yet. But hey, lets have the commie thugs listed above keep calling us teabaggers. This isnt over $120 fire tax this is 1/5 off our economy and $500 a month stolen from my family…yeah, im pissed.
Hey admin, how about you get a ranking system like everyone else and let the public decide what they want to spam …im betting hmmm wont be around much longer, maybe me as well.