Buses added to keep SnowGlobers out of cold


Sound checks for the annual SnowGlobe music festival in South Lake Tahoe have been rattling windows for the past two days.

Neighbors of the Lake Tahoe Community College ball fields, where the event is staged, are sensitive to the loud bass because the first year it was so bad pictures fell off walls in houses.

City Manager Nancy Kerry told Lake Tahoe News the sound was pushed higher for a few minutes during the checks, but that promoters will be held to their contracted decibel levels once the show begins at 3pm today. (It ends at 11 tonight, is from 2:30-11pm Dec. 30 and from 2:30pm Dec. 31 to 1:30am Jan. 1.)

City officials are also warning people to dress appropriately because temps will be in single digits and teens the next three nights.

More buses have been added to transport people between the venue and casino area so standing around in the cold should not be an issue. Every 30 minutes buses will leave MontBlue at 2:30pm Dec. 29 and ending 1am Dec. 30, between 2:30pm Dec. 30 and 1am Dec. 31, and 3:30pm Dec. 31 and 2am Jan. 1.

To also help with transit issues, BlueGo Route 53 will have additional buses during the festival.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report


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Comments (7)
  1. dumbfounded says - Posted: December 29, 2014

    One must wonder how buses to Mont Bleu helps the City. How much does the City pay to take customers to another State?

  2. 26 In Tahoe says - Posted: December 29, 2014

    To clarify, Blue Go buses have been contracted to run from stateline transit to the College. Silverado buses are going to Mt. Bleu. Hopefully with this coverage everyone can be taken care of safely.

  3. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: December 29, 2014

    SnowGlobe is thumpin’ away. Hope those kids stay warm and safe.
    On a personal note, my first visit to Cold Water Brewery & Grill was excellent! The make over of that place is really something to see. The decor is completely different. I miss the good ol’ Swiss Chalet with the cow bells on the wall and their great food, but the Cold Water serves up great Beer, Food and Debbie Brown and her crew couldn’t be nicer. You really should go and check it out. Enjoy the two fireplaces and full bar with locally made beer. You won’t be disappointed, I promise you!!!
    Also thanks to everyone for the birthday greetings. You never know how many more you’ll have! Love and enjoy everyday and everyone you meet. OLS

  4. Mel says - Posted: December 30, 2014

    Thanks OLS, been wondering about that place. Cheers!

  5. Lee says - Posted: December 30, 2014

    I agree with OLS re: the Brewery! We’ve been there twice, both times excellent food, service, and beer.

    Arrive before 5pm to take advantage of the Happy Hour discounts and avoid the crowds. Arrive after five and expect to wait as the place gets crowded!

  6. Toni Hall says - Posted: December 30, 2014

    Thanks for the reviews of the new Cold Water Brewery, OLS & Lee! And the tips about getting there before 5pm. Glad to hear it is a success and I hope it survives in the uncertain seasonal business climate that is South Shore. As for Snow Globe folks…I hope in these single digit temps and windy/snowy conditions that everyone has sense enough to wear warm mountain clothing and something warmer on their hands than the little pockets those animal hats provide. Keep safe out there and warm. We don’t need anymore tragic news like the kind we had last year. Party on in safety.

  7. Lee says - Posted: December 30, 2014


    I, like OLS, loved the Swiss Chalet but it was time for a change and Cold Water stepped up at the right time. I believe Cold Water will become a signature destination of Sourh Shore. I hope it can survive the growing pains.

    Heaven would be a bus to Meyers so my old bones could have a second beer before heading home.
