Buses added to keep SnowGlobers out of cold

Sound checks for the annual SnowGlobe music festival in South Lake Tahoe have been rattling windows for the past two days.

Neighbors of the Lake Tahoe Community College ball fields, where the event is staged, are sensitive to the loud bass because the first year it was so bad pictures fell off walls in houses.

City Manager Nancy Kerry told Lake Tahoe News the sound was pushed higher for a few minutes during the checks, but that promoters will be held to their contracted decibel levels once the show begins at 3pm today. (It ends at 11 tonight, is from 2:30-11pm Dec. 30 and from 2:30pm Dec. 31 to 1:30am Jan. 1.)

City officials are also warning people to dress appropriately because temps will be in single digits and teens the next three nights.

More buses have been added to transport people between the venue and casino area so standing around in the cold should not be an issue. Every 30 minutes buses will leave MontBlue at 2:30pm Dec. 29 and ending 1am Dec. 30, between 2:30pm Dec. 30 and 1am Dec. 31, and 3:30pm Dec. 31 and 2am Jan. 1.

To also help with transit issues, BlueGo Route 53 will have additional buses during the festival.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report