Editorial: Let Calif. plastic bag ban stand


Publisher’s note: This editorial is from the Dec. 5, 2014, Los Angeles Times.

Some people just don’t know when to stop fighting. Immediately after Gov. Jerry Brown signed the nation’s first statewide ban on disposable plastic bags, the plastics industry vowed to overturn it.

Since then, out-of-state bag makers have contributed $2.5 million to help collect 504,000 signatures by the end of the year to put a referendum on the November 2016 ballot reversing the ban, despite polls showing that it has widespread support.

Under the landmark environmental law, grocery stores and pharmacies are supposed to phase out single-use plastic bags by July 1; convenience and liquor stores have an extra year to comply.

But if the referendum qualifies for the ballot, the law is put on hold until after the 2016 election. That means another year and a half of plastic bags littering parks, rivers and beaches, and more plastic debris polluting the ocean and killing marine life. There’s no need for delay — Californians have already debated the issue ad nauseam and decided to ban the bag. Voters should just say no when asked to sign the petition for the referendum.

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Comments (9)
  1. Justice says - Posted: December 9, 2014

    Banning old senile liberals instead of plastic is the safest way to protect people from terrible ideas and thousands of early release criminals and from their environmental whacko bag bans and gas taxes causing the state to be going broke from people leaving and massive welfare increases and a 200 billion unfunded pension mess for starters. Nevada will be gaining more and more former tax payers who want freedom of choice.

  2. Hmmm... says - Posted: December 9, 2014

    I might get dinged for this, but…
    Justice–>InJustice: JustAss—>JustanAss

  3. Gaspen Aspen says - Posted: December 9, 2014

    Plastic bags don’t pollute or litter. Ignorant, careless people do.

  4. Hmmm... says - Posted: December 9, 2014

    Well THAT narrows it down….to about 90%.

  5. nature bats last says - Posted: December 9, 2014

    Justass, need we say more….

  6. dumbfounded says - Posted: December 9, 2014

    Need “like” button…

  7. Sunriser2 says - Posted: December 9, 2014

    You guys should take a look at the vacant land behind the post office at the “Y” and the lots next to Hunan Garden.

    I kept them trash free for more than twenty years,using plastic grocery bags. I stopped when the ban when into affect.

    I think the ban should be in place for areas that drain into the ocean like the LA during the last storm.

    If you want to help Tahoe ban 7-11 food containers and Taka Vodka bottles.

  8. Justice says - Posted: December 9, 2014

    There are many who will be gladly bringing their plastic bags in from Nevada while putting their money to work where they want the business. I can guess the liberal response will be some type of demand for new checkpoints with armed inspectors demanding to search people for outlaw plastic bags just like the New York PD arresting people for untaxed tobacco or here soon searching vehicles for untaxed gas from Nevada as these draconian control freaks will not stop and they have to use government to enforce it. If this state wants to replace honest hard working tax payers and legal citizens with welfare and SSI and illegals and early release criminals there is nothing to stop it and it is already in progress.

  9. nature bats last says - Posted: December 9, 2014

    Justass, being paranoid over everything makes a person grow old quicker so keep it up and we will all be better off…