Heavenly to be closed for third straight day

Updated 7:50pm

Heavenly Mountain Resort will be closed Saturday — the third consecutive day.

Due to a variety of complications from the storm, Heavenly will not open on SaturdayWe expect to restore power to the mountain for operations on Sunday,” Sally Gunter told Lake Tahoe News.

Wind forced the closure on Thursday, power was the problem Friday. The resort had issues with power at the top of the gondola and on the Nevada side. The Nevada side is where all the open terrain is.

“We are still battling some power issues on the California side, but are working to resolve those. No terrain is open on the California side yet so that should not impact operations,” Gunter said.

The resort also was contending with storm damage that included a tree falling onto the Dipper Express lift line as well as one on Olympic Express.

The tree on the Dipper chairlift was removed Dec. 12. Olympic is not open and the damage is still being assessed.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report