Letter: Heavenly appreciative of storm help

To the community,

On behalf of Heavenly and its employees, I would like to say a big thank you to our local utility companies and contractors who provided immediate and professional support in the aftermath of last week’s storm.

Pete Sonntag

Pete Sonntag

With trees down on Dipper Express and multiple power lines across the mountain knocked to the ground, their teams responded quickly to get us back in business. Prioritizing the community’s needs first, they quickly jumped into action to help Heavenly as resources became available.

I also want to thank the Heavenly staff who provided key support to these teams and responded efficiently to other emergencies around the Resort.

I have never been so proud of the team I work with and the community in which we live.

Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday season,

Pete Sonntag, Heavenly vice president and COO Heavenly