Locals vow to stop Tahoe ridgeline development

By Ted Lipien, Eco Truckee

The proposal to build 112 multimillion-dollar luxury homes in a likely gated community at the top of the ridgeline of Lake Tahoe was clearly horrifying to dozens of residents who came to a meeting in Truckee on Dec. 9 to discuss strategies for opposing the proposed development by East West Partners.

Participants in Tuesday’s meeting were angry and ready to fight for protecting Lake Tahoe’s skyline.

Ann Nichols, who spoke on behalf of North Tahoe Preservation Alliance, said the ridgelines of Lake Tahoe and Martis Valley are one of the most outstandingly beautiful features of America and a basis for the area’s popularity and economy.

Representatives of other local environmental organizations also expressed concerns about depletion of water sources on the Brockway Mountain. This could lead to an even greater reliance for water on Lake Tahoe, which is already shrinking from the effects of drought.

Nichols said most towns that have any kind of scenic value protect their ridgelines, including Sun Vally, Park City, Salt Lake City, Aspen, Sonoma and many others.

According to Bob Lyman of Agate Bay Water, “half of the water for Carnelian Woods comes from Carnelian Creek and underground springs.” The headwaters for these sources are on the affected ridge line.

“Development on the ridge would impair the quality of the water,” Lyman said.

It was clear from comments at the meeting that many Tahoe area residents have no faith in the Placer County supervisors and the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency to enforce zoning limitations and adequate ridgeline controls. Some said their local representative as Placer County supervisor, Jennifer Montgomery, appears to share public concerns about the project and its negative impact on the environment.

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