Mason says goodbye to LTCC board

After 40 years, Roberta Mason is leaving the Lake Tahoe Community College board. Photo/Kathryn Reed

After 40 years, Roberta Mason is leaving the Lake Tahoe Community College board. Photo/Kathryn Reed

“Better things are coming. That is the exciting thing. I almost don’t want to leave.”

Those are the words of Roberta Mason, who on Dec. 9 attended her last Lake Tahoe Community College meeting as a board member.

Mason was the driving force to get the South Lake Tahoe college started and has been on the board since its inception 40 years ago.

During a ceremony to say goodbye to her as well as to Molly Blann (neither ran for re-election in November) Mason was called the mother and guardian of the college.

Mason has had high praise for Jim Duke, Guy Lease and Kindred Murillo, the first, second and current college presidents, respectively.

“Every time I try to say something I start crying,” Murillo said. “I hope I’m like her when I’m her age.”

Mason then gave a special shout out to her best friend – Del Laine – who was always her campaign manager, and who was at her first board meeting and her last one.

Later Tuesday night at the Lake Tahoe Unified School District meeting Mason was honored with a proclamation. She served on that board from 1969-73.

Larry Green, who is on the LTUSD board and an instructor at LTCC, said, “She is my hero.” And he credited Mason for being instrumental in getting him to run for the board.

Mason is a constant presence at nearly every college event. That likely isn’t going to change. She wants to remain involved; hoping to be on the bond oversight committee.

— Kathryn Reed