Snippets about Lake Tahoe

community• Tapping Tuesday will focus on clearing and balancing the throat chakra with emotional freedom technique. This is good for people dealing with a difficulty expressing emotions, especially grief or sadness. The free class (donations accepted) is Dec. 2 form 6-7pm at Rejuvenate Spa (behind Nephele’s restaurant on Ski Run Boulevard).

• Capital City Community Band will commemorate the anniversary of Pearl Harbor with a free concert Dec. 7 at 3pm at the Carson City Community Center.

• Nevada Artists Association is having a special meeting for the election of NAA board members on Dec. 6 at 10am a the Brewery Arts Center, 449 West King St., Carson City.

• Homewood Mountain Resort is planning to open Dec. 12. Santa will be on the slopes Dec. 20.

• Wilbur D. May Museum in Reno’s Art Angels workshop is a free watercolor class for kids 6-12. It is Dec. 13 from 9:30-11:30am. Register by calling 775.785.5961.