Storm causes house fire in Tahoe City

A tree falling on a house started a fire Dec. 11 in Tahoe City. Photo/Provided

A tree falling on a house started a fire Dec. 11 in Tahoe City. Photo/Provided

Fire investigators are still trying to figure out how a tree falling onto a Tahoe City house started a fire Thursday morning.

“A tree fell through the house, hit the bed where someone was sleeping in the bed, moved the bed a few feet, and miraculously did not hurt anybody,” Dave Zaski with North Tahoe Fire told Lake Tahoe News.

Two adults and two kids were staying at the 1770 Washoe Way house that belonged to their friends. The family lost everything they brought with them. Neighbors helped by providing clothing. Sunnyside Resort put them up for free the night of Dec. 11.

No one was hurt and the fire did not spread beyond the one structure. However, the house sustained substantial damage.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report