Storm not over, brings mixed precip to region

Updated 9:50am

Lake Tahoe Unified School District is closed today even though there is only a dusting of snow on the South Shore. This decision was made Thursday during the chaos of the power outage. Some people were left wondering how organized the district is in the event of an emergency.

Zephyr Cove Elementary school buses will only be stoping at the main stops this morning.

Lake Tahoe Community College is open.

A winter storm warning remains in effect until 1pm Friday. Four to 8 more inches is expected above 7,00 feet.

Mountain passes could present difficult driving conditions. Chains or four-wheel drive restrictions are in place for some highways. For up-to-date road information, click on the state icons on the home page of Lake Tahoe News.

Heavenly Mountain Resort is reporting 3 inches of snow, Squaw Valley received 11 inches overnight and 16 inches in the last 24 hours.

More than 100 Liberty Utilities customers remain without power this morning; about 50 customers in North Lake Tahoe and approximately 65 customers in South Lake Tahoe, with 50 of those customers’ power to be restored shortly.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report

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Comments (18)
  1. Amanda says - Posted: December 12, 2014

    I think the LTUSD handled the power outage pretty good. Yes, there was a lot of crazyness, but messages went out to all parent (at least everyone I know of) to pick up your kids or if they ride the bus that the buses would leave at a specific time in the afternoon.
    At the Magnet school we were told over the auto-phone system to pick up our kids at the exterior doors to the class rooms. This was because the school was in a “shelter in place” situation and parents were not allowed in the school hallways. The teachers seemed prepared, and parents understood what to do (again, at least everyone I saw).
    Not totally sure why the school was canceled today, but guess it’s better to be cautious and plan ahead than make a last minute decision.

  2. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: December 12, 2014

    Lake Tahoe Unified School District calls this a snow day??? We get a dusting of wet snow and the schools are closed? When I went to Bijou Elementary we had to have at least a foot overnight with more on the way before the school was closed, not 1/16 th of an inch of wet snow like we have now.
    Have a great day off kids and help your parents shovel the driveway…oh… wait a minute, there’s nothing to shovel and the streets are clear!! Happy snow day!!! OLS

  3. Dogula says - Posted: December 12, 2014

    Hey,OLS, did you walk five miles uphill (both ways) barefoot in the snow, too?
    Just funnin’ ya. I’m an old fart too.

  4. Hmmm... says - Posted: December 12, 2014

    Not just barefoot, Dog, but uphill both ways. With a baked potato in each pocket to keep my hands warm, that I then ate for lunch.

  5. Fifty Year Residentjohn says - Posted: December 12, 2014

    OLS, I can remember back in the day when we would listen to the radio in the morning during a storm, I mean a real storm to find out if we had to go to school. More than once we went to school during a storm when we had quite a bit of snow. I can remember our school bus getting stuck near Heavenly Valley and a tow truck had to come pull us out. One of the adventures of living in Lake Tahoe as a kid.
    Calling a snow day today was an overreaction to the rumor of the big storm that sometimes just don’t materialize. Wind yes but no snow this time around. Hopefully the next storm will bring us some much needed snow.

  6. Dogula says - Posted: December 12, 2014

    Yeah! I like it! You had 2 potatoes!?! Must have been one of the rich kids!

  7. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: December 12, 2014

    Yes, I was barefoot walking from the Echo motel near the corner of Ski Run and 50 to Bijou Elementary in waist deep snow . Yes, it was uphill both ways, coming and going. (how did they do that?)
    We could not afford potatoes to warm my pockets so I carried heated rocks warmed up on the woodstove and would eat those for lunch at Bijou school after our daily beatings at the school.
    You ought to try skiing barefoot with cable bindings, now that’s a challenge!!!
    Just so you know, OLS

  8. Hmmm... says - Posted: December 12, 2014

    Cable bindings??? Hell, we just glued our feet to a couple of saplings…

  9. Buck says - Posted: December 12, 2014


  10. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: December 12, 2014

    To Buck, Hmmm, Dogula, Copper and all the readers and commenters here on LTN. THANK YOU!!!
    You give me pause for thought, I laugh, get informed and sometimes get angry at your comments.
    Be good and walk barefoot to school, eat some rocks and it’ll toughen you up, by golly! OLS

  11. cheepseats says - Posted: December 12, 2014

    For us, Mark Lennartz on KOWL told us if it was a snow day. Anyone where is he now?

  12. Rob5 says - Posted: December 12, 2014

    During our last extended power outage it became clear we needed some sort of communication during power outages since the local radio coverage no longer existed.

    Either the city or county (I can’t remember which) stepped up and many of us, including me) signed up for notifications via email.

    Did anyone get a notification yesterday? I didn’t.

    I did call Liberty Energy and they were helpful telling me that power wouldn’t be back on until early evening, so I got the generator going.

  13. nature bats last says - Posted: December 12, 2014

    Really poor communication from LTUSD regarding no school today. I read it on LTN long before hearing from the school, actually had to call the powers that be directly because the snow line number just rang and rang, no message available at 6:30 this am. They told me that the all call message for no school today went out yesterday around 2 pm when there was no power. I know teachers who also never got the call or email, cuz there was no power….guess they didnt get it that the calls never went through, cuz there was no power…there was no snow either, now that was about the most no snow snow storm ever. Bummer…

  14. Kenny (Tahoe Skibum) Curtzwiler says - Posted: December 12, 2014

    cheep; Mark is up north and is an announcer for a basketball team. He and Louise are still together. Louise worked with me at Carlos Murphys where she met Mark when he was a broadcaster for our radio station.

  15. Mark Lennartz says - Posted: December 12, 2014

    cheepseats: Thanks for thinking of me! I’m in Portland, Oregon. Been on the air here for almost 20 yrs. along with being the Public Address announcer for the NBA Trailblazers. Kenny, miss ya.

    I wish I was there to tell you about snow days. But I can tell you this – we complain about the same thing here. We’ve become a generation of softies!


  16. oldtimer says - Posted: December 13, 2014

    The over reaction by the School and the City was pure stupidity and a look at what to come from your elected officials. They would not know a what to do when you really get a real SNOW STORM. It will be very interesting to see what happens when you really do get a storm. I will be looking forward to the comments when it takes day’s for your street to be plowed and the Ice build up on the streets is very bad because the City has gotten rid of all the experienced Operators and people that know what to do. I feel bad for you all.
    A snow day is when there is a foot of new snow and still snowing, all someone had to do was look at the radar map and see that it would be just a dusting.

  17. rock4tahoe says - Posted: December 13, 2014

    Power was out for about 8 hours… thank you Liberty Energy. Loosing one day of school isn’t going to hurt much. It looked like the storm was for real, look at the rain totals for the Bay Area. Unfortunately, we have seen this before in recent memory; storms come in and bump against the Sierras/Great Basin and “poof.” Mammoth claims 2 feet.

  18. KATHY says - Posted: December 13, 2014

    I wonder if we get credit for POWER OUTAGE ?It wasnt our fault power went out for that long,