8 ways snow makes people happier

By Alena Hall, Huffington Post

There’s no doubt that the worst of winter has arrived (in some places), bringing sub-zero temperatures and icy winds along with it. The dark, frigid days make it tough to stay positive as we slog through our daily commutes and count down each hour of the workweek until we can return to snuggling up on the couch at home with loved ones and Netflix.

However, once a beautiful bout of snow is added to this wintry mix, we often find our feelings of bitterness transform into ones of pure, unadulterated joy.

It seems to wipe the slate of our world clean, rejuvenating our personal perspectives at the same time. Whether you choose to play in the snowfall or appreciate it through a frosty window, there’s no denying that the beautiful snowflakes make you pause and take notice of their arrival.

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