Cops to put kibosh on DUIs Super Bowl Sunday


Expect to see more local and state law enforcement out and about on Sunday as they look for people who are celebrating the Super Bowl intoxicated behind the wheel.

There will be 10 roving DUI saturations in El Dorado County.

According to federal data, in 2013 there were 867 people killed in alcohol-impaired-driving crashes in California –29 percent of all crash fatalities in the state.

Tips: For those who plan to drink, leave your keys at home. Designate a sober driver, whether it’s a friend, relative, taxi, or public transportation. For those who plan to drive, refrain from any alcohol.

Avoid the 6 DUI Task Force funding is provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.


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Comments (9)
  1. Sliced says - Posted: January 29, 2015

    How many arrests for DUI on July 4th? If they cared to bust these offenders, they could prove it. These cops surely don’t like to arrest the tourists. If there are more than 10 arrests on south shore I would be blown away. Please keep us posted on the numbers. It’ll be interesting. Anyone care for a Super Bowl prop bet? I’ll set it at 10 and take the under. Any takers?

  2. copper says - Posted: January 29, 2015

    So you’re in favor of setting police quotas? And then betting on them?

    Check points notwithstanding, even a rookie cop knows that he has to see a violation that she (he?) can articulate (I love that word) in a report – with that in mind, the officer makes the traffic stop.

    But every officer knows that, once stopped, if the driver appears under the influence they have both stepped onto a very slippery slope. At the bottom of which is making the decision whether or not to arrest.

    There has been a number of lawsuits, and I believe even Tahoe law enforcement has, in the past, been hit with a few, where a police officer, not believing that the person stopped is actually sufficiently DUI (or, perhaps motivated by lesser considerations) lets the driver go. And the lawsuit, when the driver later kills someone, is inevitable and huge.

    Most cops, and I’m sure that still includes the ones in the Tahoe basin, reduced hiring competitiveness notwithstanding, realize that if you stop a drunk, you have to arrest him. If the drunk is a mere tourist, that decision is easy. If the drunk is a prominent citizen, the decision is obvious. There’s no quicker way these days to lose one’s job in law enforcement (and cost your agency a ton of money) than to let a drunk driver go.

  3. Tahoe says - Posted: January 29, 2015

    If you’re gonna drink, get off the road! I hope they can catch some of these morons. The cops shouldn’t jeopardize the lives of the citizens because they don’t want to arrest a DUI. Arrest them, then ask questions later. Keep up the good work!

  4. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: January 30, 2015

    the whole Town is Drunk everyday what’s the difference?

  5. nature bats last says - Posted: January 30, 2015

    Anyone who is drunk and driving should be arrested.

  6. Rooster says - Posted: January 30, 2015

    “Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone”

  7. Justice says - Posted: January 30, 2015

    There was just recently a wrong way driver multiple fatality incident involving a DUI, this was more of a murder, guy had a half empty bottle of rum on highway 80 with no lights on speeding the wrong way that killed three innocent kids. That type of intentional act should be a murder. There are also far too many people DUI from addiction to synthetic opiates, the ones that think a few pills a day before driving is fine not knowing they are DUI, and there are many more substances people are abusing and then driving to add to it. The safest thing to do is avoid the roads when the DUI’s are highest like after the game and after midnight.

  8. Sliced says - Posted: January 30, 2015

    Copper. They have to pull over people in order to observe their under the influence. Over 4th of July, when traffic is heaviest and half the tourists are drunk no one gets pulled over. The police are reactive, not proactive. They say they will crack down, but let’s see the numbers afterwards. Under 10. Book it

  9. ahem says - Posted: January 30, 2015

    Slowroller: LOL