Fire, water and climate change talk in SLT

How Global Warming is Changing California’s Weather and a Bipartisan Solution is the subject of a talk on Jan. 27 from 5:30-8pm at the South Lake Tahoe Library.

The speakers will be Dana Nuccitelli, environmental scientist, risk assessor, and climate blogger for the Guardian and; and Jennifer Wood, soil scientist and leader of the Sacramento chapter of Citizens’ Climate Lobby.

California has been hit hard by drought and wildfires in recent years. These events have left many Californians wondering is this extreme weather linked to global warming, and what can we expect for the future?

Nuccitelli will discuss and answer questions about the latest scientific research into the possible links between climate change and California’s wildfires and drought, and projections of their future changes in a warming world. The event will also include discussion of a proposed free market, bipartisan solution.

For more information, contact Jeff Miner at or 530.577.7293.

The library is at 1000 Rufus Allen Blvd.


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Comments (45)
  1. Tahoebluewire says - Posted: January 14, 2015

    This ‘extreme’ weather pattern is linked only to the quack heads that think climate is linked to man. The west and yes the planet has always had extreme weather swings drought and fires. Science has proven that. Not enough data or science to link mans involvement yet.

  2. Dan Stroehler says - Posted: January 14, 2015

    I agree. +1.

  3. AROD says - Posted: January 14, 2015

    And the Earth is flat and is the center of the universe. The science is there, you just refuse to acknowledge the truth.

  4. A.B. says - Posted: January 14, 2015

    Another day, another bogus story about how mankind can alter the climate.

    When are the global warming alarmists going to get it? Nobody buys their bull.

  5. A.B. says - Posted: January 14, 2015

    Tahoebluewire, don’t you recognize that the earth has only been in existence since records have been kept?

  6. business owner says - Posted: January 14, 2015

    Just waiting fir fish breath, hmmm, andnature valley to pipe in….expect name calling and accusations of fox news, koch bros, and bushes fault. Aaannnnnd …go

  7. Tahoebluewire says - Posted: January 14, 2015

    Everyone can agree carbon emissions are not so good. I consider myself an environmentalist, and a good steward of the land. Moving towards clean energy and better technology is something most of us want. But until the weather person can tell me if it will be a powder day on March 7, I cannot subscribe to the idea that climate models and ice cores can predict massive climate shifts over time.

  8. Hmmm... says - Posted: January 14, 2015

    Name calling? Now who might be doing that, ‘business owner?’ How clever of you!

    Thumbs down.

  9. tahoeanhiker says - Posted: January 14, 2015

    Trees growing at bottom of Fallen Leaf say we’ve been down this road before, way before Fred Flintstone started using a synthetic blend … When that lake is empty then we’ll have another look.

  10. rock4tahoe says - Posted: January 14, 2015

    THiker. “Fred Flintstone?!” LOL! Actually, it was in the 9th – 12th Centuries when the trees in Fallen Leaf grew during a 300 year drought period.

    What has not been seen for Millions of Years is 400ppm CO2 levels globally… even before Yabadabado Flintstone.

  11. rock4tahoe says - Posted: January 14, 2015

    TBluewire. Scientist have directly liked CO2 levels to humans. You know “Scientists,” like the ones that created: the Hydrogen Bomb, spaceships to the Moon and beyond, DNA sequencing, vaccines for things like Polio, Heart transplants, Brain Surgery, Cancer treatments… you know… stuff you have no idea about.

  12. sunriser2 says - Posted: January 15, 2015

    I would like to believe them but everyone of them I meet is scamming on early retirement or a private consulting agreement.

    If we are serious about the issue we need to stop paying people to breed. This will not happen because so much of the global warming hype is tied to the education system.

  13. Dogula says - Posted: January 15, 2015

    Lol @ Sunriser. Yeah, I had a guy try to get me to sign a No-Growth petition outside a supermarket once. He had a couple of his kids with him. He did not see the irony in that.

  14. nature bats last says - Posted: January 15, 2015

    Ignorance is bliss so “they” say. There is alot of bliss on this thread…

  15. Tahoebluewire says - Posted: January 15, 2015

    Rocker, connecting CO2 levels to humans means little. That’s like saying sniffing paint causes brain damage. There is an increasing number if critical thinkers and scientists that are re-thinking this problem. Remember, it went from ‘global warming’ to ‘climate change’ once we realized that global temperatures have been stuck in a plateau for 13 years now. And that pack ice is actually increasing in certain areas. It’s called trying to save face for all kinds if monetary reasons. I was raised in an Ivy League Boston environment with an emphasis on astrobiological studies. Fairly certain my education far surpasses yours.

  16. business owner says - Posted: January 15, 2015

    Cmon nature and hmmmm…you guys can do way better than that.

  17. Sunriser2 says - Posted: January 15, 2015


    Do you have any thoughts on why the global warming models can’t predict the past if you run them backwards?

  18. Garry Bowen says - Posted: January 15, 2015

    Just reading these 18 comments (some repeat) gives me a headache – if all these “arm-chair quarterbacks” looked into issues like salmon runs (there are more than just ours in Taylor Creek, which is suffering mightily already), the loss of the pollinators (not just bees) and, for a very poignant (look it up) example the migration of the Monarch butterfly – they are all now seriously dwindling – probably never to return. . . while of course you all will never know the difference. . .

    Climate change is responsible for a lot of it, but more of it is caused by the ‘ignorance’ mentioned above:

    “Ignorance is bliss, unless you’re surrounded by it” – so, I’ll stay local:

    Our local Kokanee salmon run this year was down to maybe a few dozen fingerlings, compared to the thousands usually thrashing in Taylor Creek trying to move upstream to spawn – this is mirrored by, for example, Red Lake, Idaho, spawning from the Columbia River Gorge, which also has ‘thousands’ each year – except that in the past few years, they had TWO (!) followed the next year by ONE (1). . .

    How does that figure into your insistence that nothing is going on ? . . . & that we don’t have anything to do with it ?
    “Backwards” or forward, the past is now irrelevant – it is the future that is now jeopardized. . .in short, coming & going. . .

  19. Sunriser2 says - Posted: January 15, 2015

    Gary I have never seen you post inaccurate information before.

    I was at Taylor creek last fall three or four times. There were thousands of salmon trying to make it up-stream. Also I wouldn’t describe them as fingerlings.

  20. Hmmm... says - Posted: January 15, 2015

    I will remind you, business owner, of when you ‘propositioned’ nat, cosa and me, then called us ‘commie sons of *****’s .

    Thumbs down.

  21. rock4tahoe says - Posted: January 15, 2015

    TBlue. “connecting CO2 levels to humans means little.” To you, but everyone else knows that CO2 is a Greenhouse Gas.

    Twenty One of the Warmest Years recorded have occurred in the past 25 years; 2013 tied for 4th on the list and early results indicate that 2014 may be hotter then 2013. Nine of the Warmest Years recorded have occurred in the past decade (1998 was the outlier).

    ‘sniffing paint causes brain damage?” No, more like long term effects of a fever causes problems… dehydration, hallucinations and seizures.

  22. Tahoebluewire says - Posted: January 15, 2015

    Rock, your comment about my comment about!! I think you need a remedial reading course to comprehend juxtaposed situational reasoning. Doggie paddle back to shallow end the adults are trying to have a discussion.

    Ummm the Kokanee salmon is NOT indiginous to Lake Tahoe so it’s condition is a moot point anyway.

  23. Tahoebluewire says - Posted: January 15, 2015

    Suggested further reading for anyone interested:
    Search for: HadCRUT4 monthly global mean surface temp anomalies and trends

  24. rock4tahoe says - Posted: January 15, 2015

    Tbwire…. You can try to keep your knuckles from dragging in the dirt now. LOL back at you!!

  25. business owner says - Posted: January 15, 2015

    Hmmm…i do find it amusing that you and your commie cohorts are not part of this thread and it is one of the best exchanges i have read in a while, espiacially being such a debated topic. +1 comrad

  26. cosa pescado says - Posted: January 15, 2015

    Still no links to research from the deniers.
    As usual.

  27. Dana Nuccitelli says - Posted: January 15, 2015

    Maybe you guys should come listen to our presentation of the scientific evidence with an open mind. There hasn’t been much accurate information in the comments here – you might learn something.

  28. Parker says - Posted: January 15, 2015

    Thank You Dana for posting. Yes any critiques should at least wait until there’s something critique!

    Looking forward to hearing (don’t think I’ll be able to attend) about your evidence & info. And really looking to hearing about proposed, enforceable World solutions to the issue!

  29. cosa pescado says - Posted: January 16, 2015

    “There hasn’t been much accurate information in the comments here – you might learn something.”
    They have been exposed to plenty of accurate information and they have learned nothing.

    Poll them (the deniers)… how many of them can define climate using a number and a unit of time. You are going to get a lot of ‘last winter was warm, ergo no warming’.

    Good luck. You have no idea who are dealing with.

  30. business owner says - Posted: January 16, 2015

    Fish and dana, i have said it before. The issue isnt necessarily the science. Most people think we should be cleaner as far as pollutants and energy. The issue is how you propose to solve it. Giving taxing power to an unamed unaccountable authority that dictates to the wsst do as i say not as i do seems like a power grab. Obama recently made a deal with china, one of the biggest polluters, that the US has to reduce emmisions significantly by 2020. But china doesnt have to even start reducing emmisions untill 2020. How is that gonna help the earth? It looks as if climate change proponents stand to make a great living while the rest of us are pushed down with oppresive taxes and regulations. Live cleanly and sustainable..yes. Give a bunch of greedy buearacrats more money…hell no!

  31. Dogula says - Posted: January 16, 2015

    You don’t have to be skeptical of climate science to be skeptical of politician’s claims of being able to control the weather via economic central planning.

  32. Dana Nuccitelli says - Posted: January 16, 2015

    business owner – again, maybe you should come listen to what we’re proposing in terms of a policy solution with an open mind. It’s not at all what you describe.

  33. duke of prunes says - Posted: January 16, 2015

    ‘You don’t have to be skeptical of climate science to be skeptical of politician’s claims of being able to control the weather via economic central planning’

    I am skeptical that you typed this with 100% sincerity and actually had this thought.

    ‘The issue isnt necessarily the science.’
    Yes it is. You are throwing in a red herring by saying it is just a way for people to make money.

    -Sr. Fish (migrating to a new name)

  34. business owner says - Posted: January 16, 2015

    Dana..not to waste your time but what about i said isnt correct. To solve climate change are you proposing to mandate change through taxation and regulation? are these people that run this new system forced to live like the people they are ruling? While the west will be forced to be severly hampered in todays competitive world market are you forcing china and india to do the same?

  35. Flat Earth Society.... says - Posted: January 17, 2015

    The Sun revolves around the Earth…

  36. Hmmm... says - Posted: January 17, 2015

    You can’t thumbs up yourself…B-O. At least not in public.

  37. rock4tahoe says - Posted: January 17, 2015

    “We have to reverse global warming urgently, if we still can. Earth could become like ‘sister planet’ Venus, at 250 degrees centigrade and raining sulfuric acid.” Stephen Hawking 2006.

  38. Hmmm... says - Posted: January 17, 2015

    Come on Rock….How could you be duped by Hawking when you should be listening to the truth as marketed by Exxon-Mobil and Monsanto? Aren’t you the gullible one? Sheesh!

  39. business owner says - Posted: January 18, 2015

    Dana has moved on ….but r4t and hmmmm…those are legitamite questions…care to respond?

  40. sunriser2 says - Posted: January 18, 2015

    Give me all your money and I will fix it for you.

    Time to stop paying people to breed.

  41. Dana Nuccitelli says - Posted: January 18, 2015

    business owner – I’ll be answering those questions at the Jan 27th talk.

  42. duke of prunes says - Posted: January 18, 2015

    BO: pop quiz to make sure you have prepared for the material:

    define climate. use a number and a unit of time.

  43. business owner says - Posted: January 19, 2015

    Duke once again. I am not argueing the science. I am very concerned about the way people are proposing to solve it.

  44. business owner says - Posted: January 19, 2015

    Duke once again. I am not argueing the science. I am very concerned about the way people are proposing to solve it.