Gaming lobby enters debate on Obama AG pick
By Amber Phillips, Las Vegas Sun
Seeking a federal crackdown on illegal gambling, the gaming industry’s leading Capitol Hill lobby is wading into the debate over President Obama’s pick to be America’s top law enforcement officer.
The American Gaming Association has made it a high priority to protect the growing gaming industry against illegal gambling in 2015, and its leaders see the attorney general debate as one of the earliest and best vehicles to do that.
Obama nominated New York federal prosecutor Loretta Lynch to replace longtime Attorney General Eric Holder, who is stepping down. The Senate Judiciary Committee will start hearings for Lynch’s confirmation on Wednesday, and her prospects for confirmation aren’t clear in a Republican-controlled Senate.
Illegal gambling is a special interest concern. The real priority is obviously getting rid of the most corrupt, in my opinion, AG in history and much like his boss, he has proven to be an inept and dangerous power hungry incompetent. The one who never left the job after announcing he did last year and he is still there as a silent media ignores it and hides one major serious scandal after another.
Justass: Support one thing you say with evidence.
Duke: Please remind everyone what evidence you presented. Until then, stop calling names and cutting other people down.
Just@ss has no evidence, just Ebola infected rants of vial bigoted hatred.
I am always amused at those who profess great selective ignorance of their own party and ask for what they demand as foot notes and citations and reams of evidence knowing the evidence from current events is overwhelming and common. It makes one wonder if it is a claim of a recent lobotomy. Those people who keep crawling from under the rocks of ignorance are hopeless cases. Was the last election enough of a message yet as to what the people know?
Just@ss says… in my opinion, blah, corrupt, blah, dangerous, blah, incompetent, blah, scandal, blah, ignorance, blah, no evidence needed and a recent lobotomy.
Finally see yourself in the mirror ‘eh.
He did a great job prosecuting those tens of thousands of banksters didn’t he?
Sunrise. Tell us all “exactly” what the “banksters” did that was illegal. The problem was that all of the mortgage backed securities, the credit default swaps and other exotic leveraged banking schemes were all “legal.” Plus, they had AAA ratings from the rating companies.
“Send lawyers, guns and money.” W. Zevon.
I dont think a single think justanass wrote made any sense at all. He is just pointing fingers again, as usual. Must be between fox noise broadcasts and he is bored….
As far as I could tell the only part of the paper that wasn’t a fraud was the paper and ink they were printed on.
The bankers/bundlers knew how bad the paper was and even paid bonuses to the originators.
The banks either owned the servicers and rating agencies or were such a large customer they intimidated them. On top of that they bet against their own products and customers and lied about the possession of the original note and loan documents.
The real question is only if the new nominee is more corrupt, it is a gamble, but with less than two years remaining it has to be taken because what is there now is known and has to be removed. Meanwhile all of the major and real problems in the world like our open borders and growing and spreading Islamic wars and the coming showdown with Iran are seldom heard.
Well, today Ms Lynch claimed that people who are in this country illegally have the same right to American jobs that American citizens do. I’m not sure what law she is referencing, but as AG, she is supposed to enforce our laws, not her own opinions. But this Administration has been making up its own rules for 6 years now, so I doubt things will be any different for the next 2.
Sunrise says, “As far as I could tell…” and that is the point. The S.E.C under Chris Cox saw nothing wrong with the paper either; nothing illegal.
Listen, I am no fan of big banks. But, the people that made leveraging/robbing banks legal (Paulson/Cox/etc) should take the blame, not the Sheriff (Holder) that comes in to clean up the mess.
Also remember it was the Gramm–Leach–Bliley (Three Republicans) Act of 1999 (aka the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999), the so-called repeal of Glass-Steagall, that paved the way for bank leveraging with weak oversight at the SEC.
Dog, stop trying to scare people. Loretta Lynch added “there is no right to work for an immigrant who has no lawful status.”
Besides, being an undocumented worker is a MISDEMEANOR NOT A CAPITAL CRIME; never has ben.
R4T: the Resident is trying to give all immigrants who currently have ‘illegal’ status, legality. So it amounts to the same thing, doesn’t it?
Who said anything about misdemeanor or felony? Not me. My issue with Ms. Lynch is that she isn’t about doing the actual job of AG, which is enforcing the country’s law; she’s about ‘social justice’. That ain’t in the job description. I also believe a LOT of our laws need to change. But that’s not the AG’s job.
I believe in open borders, that anyone who wants to work should be able to; BUT we have to do away with the welfare state at the same time. Until you guys are willing to do that, you can’t have amnesty, either.
Dog, that Leftist Ronald Reagan gave “amnesty” to about 3.5 Million Undocumented Workers in 1986, so now suddenly Barack Obama can’t.
We have 96% Employment; Employers want cheap labor. Undocumented Workers have always been the football between the two arguments; borders or cheap labor.
I point out to the “raging bloggers” that being Undocumented is “only” a Misdemeanor.
R4T, you’re practically incoherent. What does this have to do with Reagan? Or the falsified employment numbers?
This is about the NEXT social justice warrior that obama wants to move into a position of AG who doesn’t belong there. You keep moving the discussion in ridiculous directions. Reagan? That’s 35 years ago.
But this is for those of you who so love to hurl the race card at everyone who disagrees with you: Doesn’t it seem at all odd that, considering that black people are only 15% of the entire population of the country, obama goes from one black AG to another? That CAN’T be a coincidence. There really aren’t any more qualified people available? Really? I wonder if race might be an issue? Could our president be a racist?
‘R4T, you’re practically incoherent’
Perhaps you are unable to comprehend what they are saying.
” Could our president be a racist?”
There are no stupid questions, only stupid people.
Dog. Did Alberto Gonzales belong as Attorney General. Are you a bigot like Just@ss. Is the Earth over 6000 years old. Are you still chipin’ smack. LOL!
Duke and R4T: Stop the finger pointing and name calling. You’re not getting anywhere. All you’re doing is making the world hate you. (If anyone still listens to your meaningless babble, that is.) It’s the right wing! No your stupid leftists! Its regan’s fault! It’s Obama’s fault! Sigh…
Pure drivel.