Letter: Elks give back at Bread & Broth

To the community,

“The Elks are here to help the community,” said Roger Barragan, chairman of trustees for the Tahoe/Douglas Elks Lodge No. 2670.

Following through with his comment, Barragan and his fellow Elks member, Gail Bryan, joined the Bread & Broth volunteers on Jan. 5 to provide a hearty meal for the guests who attended the Monday evening dinner served at St. Theresa Church’s Grace Hall. Having hosted three Adopt A Day of Nourishment sponsorships in the past six months, the Elks volunteers jumped right in to help the B&B volunteers.

Barragan and Bryan bagged the fruits, canned goods and bread/pastries for the give-away bags and then manned the serving line, dishing out large helpings of baked salmon, pesto pasta with veggies and salads.

Bryan observed that it was a “wonderful experience for all concerned.” The dinner guests agreed as they came back for second servings and to-go containers to take home with them.

From taking young children on shopping trips at Christmas to sponsoring and volunteering at a Bread & Broth dinner, the Tahoe/Douglas Elks Lodge members are involved in improving the lives of many members of the Lake Tahoe South Shore community. B&B would like to salute the Elks Lodge for their generous hosting of the evening’s dinner and history of service to those in need.

For more information, go online.

Carol Gerard, Bread & Broth