Placer County looking for academy participants

Placer County is looking for people to participate in the next Sheriff Office’s Community Awareness Academy.

There are eight classes, each covering a different topic.

Classes are Monday-Wednesday 6-8:30pm beginning March 2 and ending March 25. Classes are in the Community Room at the Placer County Sheriff’s Office headquarters in the Auburn Justice Center, 2929 Richardson Drive, Auburn.

The academy is intended to provide the citizens of Placer County with an overview of the sheriff office’s functions, policies and procedures, as well as getting them involved in their community. The goal of the academy is to provide a greater awareness and understanding of law enforcement’s role in the community.

Attendees must be at least 18, work or reside in Placer County and agree to submit to a minor background check.

To reserve a spot, call Kim Rivera at 530.889.6922 or email