Reward offered in attempted shooting of deputy


suspectA $25,000 award is being offered for information that results in the arrest of the person who shot at an El Dorado County sheriff’s Deputy on Oct. 17, 2014.

At 8am that day a deputy working patrol found a truck in a turnout in the area of Cable Road and White Mountain Ranch Road. While walking down a trail from the turnout the deputy came in contact with a male subject who refused to comply with verbal commands. A physical struggle ensued between the two.

The suspect was able to retreat to his vehicle where he retrieved a handgun and fired it at the deputy, but didn’t hit him. The deputy returned fire, but it’s not known if the suspect sustained any injuries.

The suspect is described as a white male, approximately 6-foot-1-inch to 6-foot-2-inches tall, weighing 200-250 pounds, with a goatee, wearing a flannel shirt, dark pants and boots. The suspect was last seen driving away on Cable Road in a mid-1990s to early 2000s white Dodge single cab truck without a license plate.

The sheriff’s office is asking anyone with information to contact either Detective James Peterson at 530.642.4713 or Detective Ken Barber at 530.642.4710.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report


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Comments (18)
  1. Just Wondering says - Posted: January 21, 2015

    Why is it that when this website reports a crime committed by a person with brown skin, the comment section LIGHTS UP with diatribes about “Animals,” “Thugs,” “Parasites,” etc.

    But when a white guy TRIES TO MURDER A CALIFORNIA POLICE OFFICER, it’s total radio silence on the good ol’ LTN website. So strange… I can’t quite put my finger on the difference.

  2. Hmmm... says - Posted: January 22, 2015

    Yeah, it’s a mystery….be careful, someone may accuse you of racism.

  3. Seriously? says - Posted: January 22, 2015

    I believe you just did Just. Could also be that according to your sources, there are more crimes committed by the “brown skinned” than the white. Why does it always have to be about race? Your comments lead me to suspect that you are of a darker skin tone. Personally, im just glad the officer wasnt hurt or killed and they find the guy who did it so he can be dealt with properly. SMH

  4. Mel says - Posted: January 22, 2015

    I’m wondering why this is even news? It happened in October! The dude is either hiding real good, in Mexico or dead by now.

  5. Justice says - Posted: January 22, 2015

    Since race isn’t part of the story and the race in this case is likely not sure as the person is at large and comments about other criminals have nothing to do with this story from last fall would seem to not be a concern, but someone obsessed with their own race baiting brilliance with no clue about who commits a vast majority of crimes demonstrates their feeble ability to throw the race card into this and every story and see if it can find fellow fools to believe that it mattered, it didn’t.

  6. Paul says - Posted: January 22, 2015

    A few questions for Justice:

    1. Why is race “not part of the story” here? Why is race part of the story in some crimes reported on LTN but not in others? What’s your test?

    2. Who commits the “vast majority of crimes” in this country?


  7. Hmmm... says - Posted: January 22, 2015

    @Seriously? I too am glad the officer was not injured.

  8. duke of prunes says - Posted: January 22, 2015

    Buckle up, the local bigots are ramping up the courage to write what they actually think.

  9. rock4tahoe says - Posted: January 22, 2015

    Just@ss should know about “race baiting” alright, since all of his hate filled comments are about the Hispanic, Asian or African Races. LOL!

  10. Just Wondering says - Posted: January 22, 2015

    @Seriously? – How predictable that you assume that I am “of a darker skin tone,” and then imply I don’t care about the officer’s well being.

    Are you ready to have your mind blown? I’m a white guy. I’m also a dedicated law enforcement officer for the State of California. So I think it’s safe to say that I too am glad the deputy wasn’t injured, although I didn’t originally think that stating something so obvious was necessary.

    What other tired stereotypes are you going to throw at me?

  11. Cranky Gerald says - Posted: January 22, 2015

    Seriously and justice are both all too willing to begin babbling without reading the article.

    Based on the deputies description(recall that he struggled with him and said he was white ) how can justice conclude we really don’t know.

    A crook is a crook matter what they look like.

    El Dorado county is more redneck than the southern states I grew up in.

    And my thanks for everything you said Wondering….we definitely need more like you, particularly in law enforcement.

  12. Justice says - Posted: January 22, 2015

    If someone has the DNA of the suspect to confirm origin and “race” let us all know and then it could be important. There are a few continents to choose from. If not, the psycho-babble of the left is really just SOS and it is an old card to play but not too surprising and it last worked in 2008 for scary Barry and it seems to work in some riots lately for murders, theft and arson.

  13. Hmmm... says - Posted: January 23, 2015

    The hills are alive with sound of banjo’s…..

  14. sunriser2 says - Posted: January 23, 2015


    What is your experience with El Dorado County?

    You should drive down and visit the Druid Monument on Main St., the monument to the Japanese at Gold Trail Elementary school (dedicated by evil Gov. Reagan in the 1960’s).

    The little league schedules were amended to allow the Seventh Day Adventists kids to participate (many of the farms in Apple Hill were owned by them). The community also welcomed a large influx of Mormons.

    In addition you might want to read about the Goat Doctor on Mosquito Road (the first hippie healer in the world). The rednecks you refer to are the children of Aroejet engineers (developed the rockets for the space program), Mather and McCullen air force base officers, Forest Genetics scientists in Camino and State of CA employees.

    A trip through the Crystal Basin might be fun. In the Sixties and Seventies the power plants built there were the most modern in America. They are supplemented by one of the largest cloud seeding programs in America.

    Just because people don’t believe in endless taxes and welfare doesn’t make them ignorant or prejudice!

  15. rock4tahoe says - Posted: January 23, 2015

    Just@ss now says “If someone has the DNA of the suspect…?” LOL! How about, If someone has the Birth Certificate of the suspect! Or, if someone has a Parent from Africa, Asia or South of the Border! LOL! And then he throws in “scary Barry!” to boot!!! LMAO! “Psycho Babble” indeed Just@ss!

  16. Cranky Gerald says - Posted: January 24, 2015


    I just think you emphasized my point. BTW I also lived for a few years in Amador county….You ever been to Ione?

  17. sunriser2 says - Posted: January 24, 2015

    Yes, I had family in Farmington. Gets plenty hot in that area. I seem to remember a great diner of frosty there.