River otters make a splash at Lake Tahoe

A river otter slides finds plenty to dine on at Lake Tahoe. Photos/Bob Sweatt

A river otter finds plenty to dine on at Lake Tahoe. Photos/Bob Sweatt

Two river otters were spotted Jan. 24 playing on the ice at Tahoe Keys in South Lake Tahoe.

“Two otters put on a show for about an hour and a half, diving, resurfacing and climbing up on the ice to peacefully eat their prize,” Bob Sweatt told Lake Tahoe News. “Each otter ate at least three large fish.”

It’s rare to see an otter at Lake Tahoe, though they have existed in various locations through the years. They’ve even been seen at Fallen Leaf Lake.

Wildlife at Lake Tahoe.

Wildlife at Lake Tahoe.

Normally they are found at lower elevations in the Sierra, but always close to shore.

They will eat fish and crawdads in Tahoe. While they don’t pose a threat to people or other land animals, humans and dogs can scare them off.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report