Signs near trail in EDC upset users

Seasonal "no parking" rules are in effect even without snow. Photos/LTN

Seasonal “no parking” rules are in effect even without snow. Photos/LTN

“No parking” signs along Lake Tahoe Boulevard and Sawmill Pond Road are being noticed more this year than years past. Part of this has to do with the 1.7 mile bike trail that was put in last fall paralleling the boulevard so more people are in this area. And with the weather more like spring than winter, people are using the trail and wanting to park where they had been allowed to up until a month ago.

There is a wide spot on the north side the road at the intersection of Sawmill Pond that was initially used for parking. Now there are multiple “no parking” signs.

A group of cyclists riding the trail on Friday were miffed this access has been taken away, as well as on Sawmill Pond. They said the U.S. Forest Service owned lot at the pond is icy, creating a whole other set of problems.

“Those signs are not new. We put them up every winter,” Tom Halverson with El Dorado County Department of Transportation told Lake Tahoe News. “When there is snow on the ground they park in the street and go play around at the lake. It causes traffic problems for snow removal.”

Thinking winter had arrived when the snow fell in December, the county put up the signs. Halverson said they wouldn’t come down until spring.

El Dorado County sign makers need to remember I before E except after C.

El Dorado County sign makers need to remember I before E except after C.

What he didn’t know until LTN pointed it out is that one of the “yield” signs is misspelled. Halverson said he would go look at it.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report