Tahoe residents working on climate change


Citizens Climate Lobby is hosting two meetings in South Lake Tahoe.

The first is Jan. 31 at 10am. The one-hour talk is for organizers to talk about CCL and then come up with a plan for how Tahoe can help.

The second meeting is Feb. 7 at 10am. It will start with the “First Saturday of the Month Chapter Phone Call” and then an hour to further organize the Tahoe group.

Both meetings are at Lake Tahoe Community College in the dining area.

More information about CCL may be found online.

Dana Nuccitelli and Jennifer Wood from CCL in Sacramento gave a presentation to more than 60 people in South Lake Tahoe on Jan. 27.


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Comments (47)
  1. sunriser2 says - Posted: January 28, 2015

    How about installing parking meters at the high school and collage? The proceeds could be used to pay for school bus service for all the little green darlings.

    Show students and the teachers what cap and trade is all about.

    Until people stop paying and or subsidizing people to have children the rest is a joke.

    I have been on a couple of green web sites that claim one child will create twenty times the carbon foot print that I could prevent by adhering to every silly green idea.

    People without kids should get a large tax/green credit if they make it to 50 without breeding.

    Don’t get me wrong I think everyone should be able to have as many children as they can pay for.

    Time to set a baseline and start cutting all the incentives by 5% per year until they’re gone. Until then I will drive what I want and eat red meat everyday.

  2. nature bats last says - Posted: January 28, 2015

    Gee sunriser, guess your $#!+ dont stink either…sure glad there is a cause you stand for…..yourself, obviously…

  3. sunriser2 says - Posted: January 28, 2015

    Suck it up Bats.

    The world is coming to an end tomorrow. We all need to do our part.

    I fail to see how restricting my lifestyle while paying people to breed has any measurable affect on climate change.

    Kind of disappointed Bat. I hoped to receive a response based on science not personal insults.

  4. rock4tahoe says - Posted: January 28, 2015

    Sunrise. The World has been coming to an end for Centuries now; There are problems and solutions. Every other city has parking meters, but in Tahoe we “give it away give it away now.” Red Hot Chili Peppers

  5. sunriser2 says - Posted: January 28, 2015

    I volunteer to pick-up the speakers and drive them to the event if they take the Amtrak bus to Tahoe.

  6. sunriser2 says - Posted: January 28, 2015

    Rock when quoting rock bands I think the words to U2 songs make for much better T shirts and bumper stickers.

    The TOT and sales tax have increased in part because visitors don’t want parking meters like Sacramento.

    Maybe we should try and find away to have the bicyclist and pedestrians pay to go to Pope beach. We could remove the parking fee for cars and start charging for the bathrooms.

  7. Hmmm... says - Posted: January 28, 2015

    @Natbats-of course his poop stinks…between the hormones, steroids and antbiotics gets stuffed into into factory beef.

    Here’s a rock lyric that may apply …
    “Big man, pig man, haha charade you are”…applies to everyone who’s busy waiting for the other guy to make a shift before they’re willing to.

  8. Hmmm... says - Posted: January 28, 2015

    Of course the best rock quote EVER-

    “Wave your flag/ wave your bible/ wave your sex or your business degree/ Whatever you want but don’t wave that thing at me.”

  9. sunriser2 says - Posted: January 28, 2015

    Still waiting for some of the great green thinkers to prove me wrong. Sticks and stones will break my bones but co2 will never hurt me.

  10. sunriser2 says - Posted: January 28, 2015

    Hummmer, (fitting name)

    I would eat free range beef but, I hate the thought of all the bugs and bunny’s being displaced.

  11. reloman says - Posted: January 28, 2015

    Sunrise do you have the numbers that support your theory about why ToT increased, TOT did increase with paid parking in place for the summer. Paid parking is not going to affect TOT one way or the other.

  12. sunriser2 says - Posted: January 28, 2015

    Relo, not yet. Maybe we can work on it together.

    Do you have any evidence removing the parking meters didn’t help TOT and sales tax?

  13. duke of prunes says - Posted: January 28, 2015

    ‘Still waiting for some of the great green thinkers to prove me wrong.’

    About parking meters?
    Do you enjoy collage?
    what the hell is going on here?

  14. sunriser2 says - Posted: January 28, 2015


    No but it sure is nice to be rid of them. Ever wonder why the greedy casinos don’t charge for parking?

  15. Hmmm... says - Posted: January 28, 2015

    “Suck it up Bats….Hummmer, (fitting name)”… seem to have a fixation.

    BTW…co2 WILL hurt you. Enjoy your ignorance.

  16. sunriser2 says - Posted: January 28, 2015


    I would like someone to comment on the fact that one additional child in America off sets twenty people taking every action possible to reduce their carbon foot print.

  17. Tahoebluewire says - Posted: January 28, 2015

    Hey sunrise boy, speaking as a successful breeder, I surmise you are a failure. Either you don’t have the natural given drive to lead a family, or no women will breed with you. Going through life single and selfish will catch up with you. Without us breeders, you would be out of luck for a future. You are either 23 years old, or older without many friends. I fart in your general direction.

  18. Tahoe says - Posted: January 28, 2015

    Duke and Sunriser: College, not Collage.

  19. Tinfoilhat says - Posted: January 28, 2015

    I lost braincells reading these comments.

  20. Hmmm... says - Posted: January 28, 2015

    Symptoms of Carbon Dioxide Intoxication and Poisoning:
    deeper breathing
    twitching of muscles
    increased blood pressure
    increased pulse rate
    loss of judgement
    labored breathing
    unconsciousness (occurs in under a minute when CO2 concentration rises about 10%)

  21. Bigfishy1 says - Posted: January 28, 2015

    Thanks, Hmmm,

    I just have to check off the bottom three on that list and I’m done.

  22. Tahoe says - Posted: January 28, 2015

    Hmmm: Carbon Dioxide can hurt people, but I think what sunriser means is that CO2 in the levels produced by humans cannot harm people. Stop provoking people and taking their comments out of context, and start trying to listen to ideas other than your own. You should disagree with things that are wrong, not everything that is “Right Wing.” If you have an ego problem, this is not the place to express it. Go away.

  23. duke of prunes says - Posted: January 28, 2015

    I can’t believe people fall for the BS Tahoe linked to. I need to figure out how to make money off of those half wits.
    They prolly didunt go 2 collage so it shud B EZ

  24. Tahoe says - Posted: January 29, 2015

    Sorry Duke. Wrong link. Most of that was kind of stupid. Dang.

  25. Tahoe says - Posted: January 29, 2015

    Again, college, not collage. The normal world doesn’t speak “text talk.” Sounds like you probably didn’t go to college. If people must attack each other on this forum, the least they could do is use proper English!

  26. duke of prunes says - Posted: January 29, 2015

    ‘ Most of that was kind of stupid. Dang.’
    Finally, some honesty from a denier. Honest respect for going off script. Please continue to reevaluate your sources. I am trying to maintain a 4.0 in a masters program and acting a fool is a great way to decompress.
    That is my half butted apology for trolling about collage.

    A prune isn’t really a vegetable…
    CABBAGE is a vegetable.

  27. sunriser2 says - Posted: January 29, 2015

    Wow you folks sure take your selves serious. The remark about co2 was a joke making fun of the personal insults. Glad some of you were able to breed and can fart too.

    At least I might have made some of you think.

  28. sunriser2 says - Posted: January 29, 2015

    Sorry for the typo’s but the site didn’t give me a chance to correct them.

    I shouldn’t post until after I eat my steak and eggs.

    Still waiting for a logical debate on the affects of population on climate change. I hope all of you can move past the personal insults.

  29. Hmmm... says - Posted: January 29, 2015

    Hey Tahoe-Go away yourself. Sunriser2 is a big boy…(no really, he’s acting like a child) he doesn’t need you to qualify or contextualize his remarks, many of which are either inaccurate, insulting, disparaging or flippant.

    ‘…all the little green darlings’
    ‘I would eat free range beef but, I hate the thought of all the bugs and bunny’s being displace.'(sic)

    Maybe the cholesterol from his factory beef and factory eggs has corroded his carotid artery causing co2 poisoning symptom #6.

    In the ‘you can’t make this stuff up department-thanks for your apology on your post where you claimed amazement for those who get duped about climate change, when you yourself posted a link about climate change that…you were duped by.

    People are not the only beings on the planet; what our species does-and doesn’t do has effects that go far beyond our own ‘personal’ spheres.

  30. Perry R. Obray says - Posted: January 29, 2015

    If around half the energy in this country is used for buildings, why is there such relatively little focus on regulating them? Remember people have to breathe the smog from the buildings. We smog our autos, but not buildings to the same degree. Tax credits for competent passive solar solar, ect.. should go a long way to better air, more balanced budgets, higher resale value, and less dependency on questionable sources of energy. Not to mention, less of an excuse to frack.

  31. Really?? says - Posted: January 29, 2015

    A race to the bottom. A spectacular display of the lowest common denominator.

  32. business owner says - Posted: January 29, 2015

    Heck yea sunriser…give em ell!! hummer..bwahaha!!!

  33. Tahoe says - Posted: January 29, 2015

    Hmmm: Again, I pasted in the wrong link. I was not duped by that. It was stupid. I have admitted it and apologized (unlike some other commenters we know) so can we get past this? I’d really like to see a logical debate on this site sometime. Too bad LTN doesn’t let me edit my comments after the fact…

  34. Lisa says - Posted: January 29, 2015

    Was going to ask you to cite where you got your statement the child, but I found it. “A study by statisticians at Oregon State University concluded that in the United States, the carbon legacy and greenhouse gas impact of an extra child is almost 20 times more important than some of the other environment-friendly practices people might employ during their entire lives — things like driving a high mileage car, recycling, or using energy-efficient appliances and light bulbs” Perhaps you missed the word “Some”.

  35. Hmmm... says - Posted: January 29, 2015

    @Tahoe…what? you don’t like your own critique of others bounced back at you? @Business owner..glad you’re out of the closet, but….no thanks. Always been partial to ladies. You’ve got serious issues.

    So, Tahoe. You would like serious debate? What are the parameters? I’m game.

  36. Tahoe says - Posted: January 29, 2015

    Hmmm: If you want to have a serious debate, stop the useless name calling, personal attacks, and B.S. arguments (again, sorry for pasting the wrong link. It seems to be a big deal…). Only real evidence and real logic. Stop the finger pointing. We’d all make great politicians at the rate we’re goin’! Cheers…

  37. Garry Bowen says - Posted: January 29, 2015

    Given that ‘Sunriser2’ “hoped to receive a response based on science” & not many in this thread are equipped, allow me:

    Here you go:

    -There have been 9 designated ‘planetary boundaries’ – Man is currently violating four of them in serious excess, which will affect the others (in domino fashion). . .

    -From a geophysics standpoint, life-as-we-know-it on this planet depends on these threes essential elements: water, DNA, & energy. . .as energy is more than turning the lights on and fueling the car – it also allows squirrels to scamper in the forest, us humans to walk & talk, & you all to keep putting out drivel with your own ‘digital’ tools – your fingers on the key board. . .

    The above two comments are peer-reviewed via about 250,000 scientists all over the globe, probably including your fourth-grade science teacher, if & when you had one. . .

    “Ignorance is bliss, unless you’re surrounded by it”. . .

    Too bad Kae wasn’t at Tahoe Valley Elementary on Tuesday – 65 people saw a very credible presentation by a young Physicist (BS in Physics, MS in Astrophysics. . .with which I shared the above simple perspectives – and got new ones from him. . .

  38. Sunriser2 says - Posted: January 29, 2015

    Ouch! If you green bullies keep insulting me it will hurt my delicate feelings.

    Glad that Hummmmer can recognize a flipped remark and sarcasm when he sees it.

    The reason I call them green darlings is because I pick up a lot of their fast food trash on Gardner Mt. They seem to be in too big of a hurry to get to the expanded parking lot at the green high school to pick it up.

    Lisa thank you for posting. The best write-up is from the organization for population diversity or something like that. Even if you take the normal exaggerations into account and cut the number in half, ten is still a huge number.

  39. sunriser2 says - Posted: January 29, 2015


    Thanks for bringing the conversation back into focus. I appreciate your post but am more interested in the impact of one American child on the environment.

    I attended an extended debate at Sac State in the late seventies. The engineers from Rancho Saco nuke plant argued with environmentalists as to the existence of nuclear power.

    The environmentalists tried to calculate the amount of energy spent to build and operate the plant. They claimed the plant was just an energy distribution center and wouldn’t be able to create a net gain in energy.

    I was amazed at the amount of kilo-calories it took to produce, transport and install a yard of concrete. Any guess on how long it will take for the new sidewalks to breakeven on energy savings?

    I was studying global cooling at the time.

  40. nature bats last says - Posted: January 29, 2015

    Interesting sun”downer”, you whine about all the name calling and wasted useless comments and then you keep that dialogue going with pretty much everything you write. Was just wondering when you would follow your own advice?

  41. sunriser2 says - Posted: January 29, 2015

    Get it right Bats. I wasn’t whining I was being flipped.

    Maybe you should try and add something logical to the debate?

    I made that post before Garry’s showed up on the thread.

  42. nature bats last says - Posted: January 29, 2015

    Ok, it is my opinion that we do have a climate changing problem and it really is up to every single person to try and do every thing they can possibly do to lesson their carbon footprint by taking what ever measures they possibly can to help our earth and be a part of the solution and not an ignorant ass about this global problem. Sundowner, if you are not part of the solution than you are certainly part of the problem. Every person can do something about this and can help in some manner however big or small. It just takes personal initiative.

  43. sunriser2 says - Posted: January 29, 2015


    I have done the most important thing I could do to stop global warming. I choose not to have children.

    Anything else you, I or the next twenty people do is cancelled out by one child.

    By the way still waiting for some “Bat facts” on the subject. The childish name calling is getting old.

    I have not challenged the theory that climate is changing just the response to it.

  44. Tahoe says - Posted: January 29, 2015

    Sunriser: Choosing not to have children to stop global warming on the assumption that it is caused by CO2? Are you crazy? Reducing your carbon footprint is fine. Will it stop global warming? No! Spending billions to reduce our carbon footprint? What a waste of time and energy!

  45. Garry Bowen says - Posted: January 29, 2015

    For Sunriser2 (and all others that want to follow cogent information):

    Noting that Rancho Seco nuclear has been closed for quite a while now, it is more interesting to focus on how they offset its’ $ 2,000,000,000 on SMUD’s books: by planting several hundred thousand trees !!

    As Sacramento grew, the new construction trends (all-electric kitchens, and, to the point, air conditioning, etc.) took hold, landscaping was the victim: it was cut.

    But as Sacramento’s ‘Old Town’ is known as one of the coolest places in America due to the immense number of shade trees (used to be known as ‘neighborhoods), the idea popped up with a number placed on the white board: 500,000 – the number of trees that might be planted to offer the same shade out in the “‘burbs”. . .but it actually only took 350,000 to offset the cost of Rancho Seco, as the extra shade cools the house, therefore no need for extra electricity!

    There is more to that story, but I’ll close by saying to all the blissfully ignorant out there, that modern man has only been active for 10,000 years, but have no idea what radioactive time range they’re dealing with in nuclear waste, which is now pegged at over 300,000 years (NSF) – – – making the case for NOT emitting CO2 through the use of more nuclear a case of “kicking the can down the road”. . .again, to humanity’s detriment. . .

    P.S. most contractors would say 28 days to cure concrete, while it actually takes about 100 years – emitting CO2 along the way. . .

    There is someone I know (high-up) that has created a concrete that absorbs CO2 instead of emitting it…stay tuned !

    P.P.S. Nature Bats Last ‘last post’ is fundamentally correct, as there will be no technologic or legislative “fix” possible – Wake Up !!

  46. sunriser2 says - Posted: January 29, 2015

    Thanks Garry,

    Your getting close to answering my questions. How did they calculate the number of trees needed to off set the power plant? Could I use this same math to determine the cost of one child and/or a hundred yards of sidewalk?