Then and now: Keys Blvd. not always a major intersection


Did you ever wonder why South Lake Tahoe doesn’t have a First Street?

It did until the early 1960s when First Street was renamed Tahoe Keys Boulevard.

The corner sign read: “Tahoe Keys … left turn … drive to the beach.”The building sign said: “Tahoe Keys Rentals … daily, weekly, monthly.”

Tahoe Keys Boulevard and Highway 50 circa 1964. Photo/Private Collection

Tahoe Keys Boulevard and Highway 50 circa 1964. Photo/Private Collection

The photo above pre-dates today’s electric traffic signal at the corner and shows the overhead wires circa 1964 along Highway 50. The gas station at far-right was a Hancock (now a 76 after many reincarnations), and distant beyond it (just left of the dark telephone pole) was the Outdoorsman (now the Grocery Outlet).

Tahoe Keys Boulevard today. Photo/Bill Kingman

Tahoe Keys Boulevard today. Photo/Bill Kingman

Today, Tahoe Keys Boulevard has marked turn lanes with electric traffic and pedestrian signage. All Highway 50 wiring has been placed underground, as has most of the wiring along Tahoe Keys Boulevard. Notice how the trees have flourished.

— Bill Kingman


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Comments (11)
  1. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: January 4, 2015

    Mornin’ Bill, Good photo of the corner of Keys and 50. Looks much better now.
    Looks like that commercial building is right where its always been, just looks a little different. I think it was remodeled several years ago. To the right of that, tucked back in the trees, you can see a peaked roof. I think that’s the old log cabin thats been there for, well, forever. Glad to see all that wiring go underground.
    You mentioned the Outdoorsman. As much as I think Grocery Outlet is a great addition to our town, I sure miss the Outdoorsman!
    Thanks for another good one! OLS

  2. Steve says - Posted: January 4, 2015

    Got to admit the placement of the electric lines underground is a vast scenic improvement. Whoever was behind that deserves congratulations.

  3. Atomic says - Posted: January 4, 2015

    I second the comment about the power lines, huge improvement.

    Time for Chase to replace that 50 year old retaining wall, starting to look ghetto

    Thanks Bill-

  4. Dan says - Posted: January 4, 2015

    Atomic that was the first thing I noticed looking at the old picture was the original wall that still exist today. Classic and you’re right it needs to be upgraded.

  5. Bill Kingman says - Posted: January 4, 2015

    John Williams, South Lake Tahoe’s first City Manager (1965), was adamant about undergrounding the utility wires. He also advocated prohibiting any animated, flashing, and off-premise signage, as I recall.

  6. Walter Reinthaler says - Posted: January 4, 2015

    Thanks Bill, you make Sunday’s a day to look forward to and wake to see what Tahoe history we will see today.

    I agree with you OLS, about the love getting a great deal on wine at the Grocery Outlet but I sure miss the Labor Day Sale at The Outdoorsman. The view of HWY 50 has improved with the tree growth and the wires underground.

  7. ljames says - Posted: January 4, 2015

    certainly overhead utility lines are unsightly (in fact why do we have any anywhere in town?), but interesting that someone said it looks better now? The retaining wall on the corner and the sidewalk and curbing don’t look like they have gotten any attention since the time of the B&W photo.

  8. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: January 4, 2015

    Bill,Yes, that was the end of flashing and rotating signs in SLT. Even the orange rotating 76 gas station ball was stopped. All the signs on So. stopped flashing and moving.
    Right out side my bedroom window was the flashing Echo Motel sign. Drove me nuts! Bad enough living 30 feet from 50, but the big flashing yellow sign? Maybe that explains some of the comments I make here on LTN!
    Early onset of a warped mind!!!
    Well, that’s my story, and I’m sticikn’ to it.

    I think the Chase Bldg. should put up a river rock face on that old retaining wall, tear up some of the grass and plant native plants. If nothing else some potted plants alog the retaing wall to add a little color. Just a thought.
    Ljames, , , Just read your comment and I do think So. Shore is looking better now. At a snails pace, but we are improving, one property at a time.OLS

  9. B.C. says - Posted: January 4, 2015

    man those power poles probably took out so many people

  10. copper says - Posted: January 5, 2015

    Years ago I lived near that intersection, and, as a typical former Berkeley native, drove a VW bus. One morning, heading out to take care of wifely errands, I didn’t bother to clear the foot or so of snow off the roof.

    As I stopped for the light at Tahoe Keys and Hwy 50 my entire load of snow slid forward and dropped in front of me.

    VW buses were great snow cars, with the weight ten feet or so behind the driver, although they were a bit tricky since the driver sat so far forward that the rear end would slide out 6′ or so before the car signaled that it was sliding sideways. Plus there was the heating system that sent hot air forward when the engine was under load, but floated ice crystals forward when it wasn’t.

    But, looking at that intersection, I can’t help but remember getting stuck in the load of snow that had slid off the roof. I had to wait for cars behind me to go around before I could back up and take a run at the berm I’d created in front of me.

  11. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: January 6, 2015

    Copper , Enjoyed the the story of the VW bus with the snow on the roof! I’ve seen that happen around here many times. Depending on the car and how much is on the roof it can break off your wipers.
    Leona Allen submitted an opinion piece on safe winter driving. Good job Leona!
    Now if only we could get some snow! OLS