Knorr’s tenure as EDC’s top official continues

Pamela Knorr has job security at least for one year.

The El Dorado County Board of Supervisors today unanimously appointed her chief administrative officer for the next year.

Pam Knorr

Pam Knorr

This is a job she has had since November when then-CAO Terri Daly abruptly left after having lost the confidence of three supervisors. (The two supervisors who liked Daly – Norma Santiago and Ron Briggs – have since been termed out and replaced.)

Knorr was hired by Daly to be in charge of the Human Resources Department, a position she still has and that the board has no problem with. No background check had ever been done on Knorr. She and Daly are friends.

In closed session Feb. 3 the board agreed to spend a year looking for a permanent CAO. Normally, these types of hires take much less time.

Knorr has served in various positions in Amador, Napa, Placer, Alpine and El Dorado counties. Before coming to El Dorado County she was CAO in Alpine County for five years. An employee from Alpine County has since filed a lawsuit against her.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report