K’s Kitchen: Spinach becomes star of dish

By Kathryn Reed

Lately I’ve been having a hankering for fresh spinach. Anyone who grew up watching “Popeye” knows it will make you stronger.

While I haven’t noticed any bulging biceps, I do know this green leaf is good for me. It is full of iron, which in turn gives me energy. It has a number of other health benefits too because it is full of vitamins.

But like any food, its nutritional value also has a lot to do with how it is cooked or what is added to it. Spinach salads are great for you depending on the dressing. Cooked spinach goes in the bad category with too much butter or cream.

I like buying a large quantity and doing a variety of things with it.

The recipe below would probably be a side dish for most people, but as a vegetarian it was my entrée. If using brown rice, it will take longer to cook. I’ve also messed up following the directions, so it’s OK if the rice is cooked in the broth. The amount of spinach will depend on your preference or how much you have.

rice and spinachSpanakoriso (spinach and rice)

1 pound, or less fresh spinach

1 C uncooked rice

2 medium onions, minced

8 garlic cloves, minced

2 bay leaves

2 C vegetable broth

2 T tomato sauce

½ C olive oil, or less

Salt and pepper

Sauté onions, garlic and rice in olive oil until the onions are soft and golden.

Add tomato sauce and stir.

Add bay leaves, salt and pepper. Mix well and then add broth. Cover and simmer for about 20 minutes.

Add spinach and cook another 25 minutes.