Letter: Elks help a little at B&B
To the community,
For the second time this year, the Tahoe-Douglas Elks Lodge No. 2670 sponsored a Bread & Broth Adopt A Day of Nourishment.
B&B is very grateful to the Elk Lodge members for their continued support of B&B’s goal of providing hot, nutritious meals every Monday evening to those who are experiencing issues of hunger and difficult times in their lives.
At the Feb. 2 Adopt A Day dinner the Tahoe-Douglas Elk Lodge was represented by members Roger Barragan, Jim Planenig and Gary Wendt. All three members have served at their lodge’s sponsorship dinners over the years because “we care, we share,” said Wendt. After helping prepare the utensils for the dinner, the three dished out heaping servings of French bread pizza to 107 very happy dinner guests.
The pizza was so good, 40 guests came back for seconds. Bread & Broth would like to thank the Tahoe-Douglas Elks Lodge No. 2670 members for their sense of community, and as Barragan says, they’re “always here to help” attitude.
B&B is very fortunate to have so many great volunteers, donors and sponsors to partner with us in supporting our program for over 25 years.
Carol Gerard, Bread & Broth