Net neutrality vote didn’t end the debate
By Jim Puzzanghera, Los Angeles Times
In approving strong net neutrality regulations, the Federal Communications Commission fulfilled a decadelong desire by public interest advocates, technology firms and Democrats to tighten government oversight of the Internet to prevent abuses by broadband service providers.
But the agency’s closely watched decision on Thursday didn’t end the debate. Not even close.
The partisan divide over net neutrality — reflected in the FCC’s party-line 3-2 vote — highlighted the passions on both sides of the arcane technology policy concept and showed that final resolution of the issue still could be years away.
Here’s what’s coming next.
Only the five FCC commissioners and some agency staffers have seen the 317-page net neutrality order, which prohibits broadband providers from blocking, slowing or selling faster delivery of legal content flowing through its networks.
They have to pass it to see whats in it. As neutral as obamacare is affordable…
Biz. Everyone should be for Net Neutrality. The basic point is to make sure that companies like Charter, Comcast, AT&T cannot apply special treatment and/or fees to content from their competitors.
And yes, Health Care Insurance inflation is flattening out thanks to ACA. In 2010, John Boehner predicted ACA would cause “armageddon” and it would “ruin our country.” Clearly ACA hasn’t done either. But, Boehner also “freaked” out over Ebola and look how that scare went away.
Does it really take 332 pages to say that internet pricing should be fair?
If not, what does the rest of the act say, and WHY won’t they release that information?
How can you support regulations when you have NO CLUE what they are????
As to health insurance rates “flattening out” since the ACA, my insurance cost less than $10K in 2010. This year the same policy cost $18K. 70/30, $3600 deductible.
How you can call that ‘flattening out’ is beyond me.
Whole lotta deception goin’ on here. Even if people are only deceiving themselves.
Dog. Think about it. How would you like to have Liberty Energy charge you more then a neighbor because you were using a Sears Refrigerator and your neighbor was using a GE, just because Liberty Energy had a contract with Sears to supply faster/cheaper electricity for Sears Appliances and not GE Appliances?
In this context look at Comcast and how it controls Sporting events on it’s cable system and does not allow Charter to broadcast those Sporting events; Charter has the same arrangement. Both Comcast and Charter want to charge extra fees to stream the video of their competitors Sports events. Now think of what Comcast and Charter could do to Doctors, Caltrans, Netflicks, Hulu etc if they are on opposing ISP switching.
As for the number of pages, I don’t see the point. It took Shakespeare volumes to explain life, love and death too.
Sorry, but that $18k sounds wrong. I was in the private insurance market until 3 years ago and was paying $13,200 per year and now the same plan from the same Insurance company is $5,300 per year.
I am glad the oligarchy was kind enough to give us net neutrality (for now).
R4T: The Cable, electric, and gas companies have been regulated by the government since the beginning. And yet they SUCK. The internet has been, for the most part, free of that kind of regulation. How’s it been workin’ so far?
As usual, you love government control so much, you want them to fix what ain’t broke.
As to my insurance bills, would you like to see them? There is NO exaggeration in those numbers I gave you. Perhaps that $5k number is after subsidization by the government? Making other people pay more so some can pay less?
Or are you calling me a liar?
Dog. We have some of the best Utility infrastructure on the Planet.
Please, have you forgotten ENRON?
Yes. Absolutely, I believe in Umpires, Referees and Government Regulators to watch out for Companies that cheat, steal and rob.
President Teddy Roosevelt felt the same way and he is on Mt Rushmore.
Why not use a subsidy, Oil Companies use them all the time.
If you would distort Slavery in the US Constitution you would distort anything.
Hmm. Enron couldn’t have happened without government intervention.
So you like Rushmore, huh? Some would call that vandalism. What kind of environmentalist are you?
Your ‘umpires’ assure that there will be people who lie, cheat and steal. Government is the facilitator.
Taking a subsidy is akin to stealing from my neighbor to buy stuff I want. How is that right??? Besides the fact that you totally evaded my question with that one. . . So your $5K number WAS with a subsidy. Some of us don’t believe in thieving from our neighbors.
P.S. NO idea what you’re talking about regarding distorting slavery.
“Asking government, who brought us the NSA, to regulate our Internet when it’s not broken is so illogical that Spock died”
RIP, Leonard Nimoy
I’m still baffled why we are paying private companies top dollar to connect to an internet that was created as a military application by the US government on our own tax dollars and given away to private business interests.
And Dog, without net neutrality you might have to wait minutes to connect to to apply your first amendment rights making comments that bash ANYTHING connected to “government”, or anything else you despise, simply because the possibility that can’t afford the price to grease the net providers palms to fast track links to this website.
But I guess if us “commies”, as you refer to those of us that are liberal democrats, believe something, you MUST disagree for no other reason than your simple minded Tea Party/social conservative myopic world view.
And just one more thought. Those founding fathers that many of your ilk put on a pedestal as above human reproach……….WERE NOTHING MORE THAN THE GOVERNMENT OF THE DAY!
Rock are you young, without children or significant other? There is no way your insurance went down unless you are receiving a taxpayer paid subsidy esp in half.
Rock refused to admit that number was a subsidized amount. So the actual cost did NOT go down, it’s just letting his neighbors pay the extra.
Honorable, no?
Internet service has done nothing but improve without government regulation. Worrying that it might get worse without interference is absurd. You have zero evidence of that, you have NO idea what exactly is IN that regulation document, yet you trust the crooks in DC to be totally fair in this? Haven’t you been paying attention?
Apparently not.
Dog & Relo, I ABSOLUTELY WOULD/WILL USE THE SUBSIDY… PROUDLY! It is American as apple pie.
Just like I use the Internet that was subsidized. (Comcast, Charter and AT&T did not invent the Internet or any of it’s core features. Why should they decide what speed they are going to allow me to use at their whim.)
Just like I use the Interstate Highway system that was subsidized.
Just like I use the National Parks that are subsidized.
Just like I used medical breakthroughs like Vaccines that were subsidized.
Just like I use pictures from Hubble to brighten my day.
Just like we use the Nuclear Arsenal that protects us all was subsidized by the Government.
It’s called being a Nation.
The United States was born with a huge subsidy; SLAVE LABOR! (Yes, Slavery was sanctioned in the US Constitution as we have discussed before Dog.)
If you think that taking a subsidy is stealing then you need to immediately stop using: the internet, highways, bridges, electricity (could be from Boulder Dam), any product coming via a US major port, any product coming via the Panama Canal, coal, oil, gas, timber, mining and more because they are all subsidized.
Ayn Rand was a Fictional Writer from Russia. To believe in Libertarian Nirvana is the same as believing in Unicorns… remember? Libertarian Nirvana does not nor has it ever existed on this Planet. Again Dog, name the Continent or Country that is pure Libertarian… I will not hold my breath.
As for your ENRON comment. Dog, you can not be that ignorant of what happened to post such a moronic statement; again you try to deceive with nonsense.
Your Mt Rushmore retort is ignorant troll bait.
People lie cheat and steal all the time in all Sectors; have been for ages. Fortunately, most people are honest. Again, more troll bait.
The NSA was started by Bush Jr, Congress and AT&T in San Francisco back in 2003; look up Room 641A for details. Again, more bait that has nothing to to with Net Neutrality.
rock, so the cost of your health insurance did not go down and you were incorrect to state that, it implied that the actual premuim charged by the insurance company went down. what you paid did not go down but you recieved a tax rebate to help you cover your insurance. which means you make very very little money for your family size(unless you are a business owner and can legally sheild a good portion of your income
Relo. Actually, as you well know, via the Internet, you can simply enter a high income level to eliminate the “premium assistance” and voila, my theoretical unassisted premium is still lower then what I was paying three years ago; therefore my statement stands. Oh, and no pre-existing conditions as well.
I live modestly, so what’s it to ya.
But all these personal questions regarding how I live are just veiled attacks to try to build your argument isn’t it. How trollish.
Do you discard any of your tax rebates, deductions or credits… humm? Do you discard the subsides to the Fossil Fuels Industries – Gasoline and pay extra at the pump when you fill up. Do you drop extra money in your Tax Return to pay back the money spent today and yesterday to build up our Nation, things like: the Spooner Act of 1902 (Panama Canal), the Electric Supply Act of 1926 (National Electric Grid), the Manhattan Project of 1941 (Atomic Bomb Development), the Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956 (Interstate Highway System), the ARPANET Project of 1969 (Internet), etc, etc. Didn’t think so.
Frankly, I am happy to be living in the 21st Century.
Sleep tight Relo under the blanket of Social infrastructure and systems we have developed over the decades.
RIGHT ON R4T, Those finger pointers are pathetic and really so ignorant.
R4T. Yes, as always, some good comments. Yes, you’ve been slapped with the R4T thing as was I with the OLS. Misery loves company. You’rs truly, Old Long Skiis
without knowing your age and how many are in your family it would be impossible to verify your claimsclaims. I have no problems with low income people getting subsities. I know much more about this program than you will ever know, as I am certified to sell this type of insurance.
I did take issue with you claiming that the TOTAL cost of your insurance was cut in half, which was totally untrue. It did not get cut in half and you were misleading people by stating as such.
It is very comforting knowing that there are folks out there that want to steal from my family using the threat of violence to give to others. thank you for maintaining mediocraty in a once flourishing society
Bo. R4t isnt stealing anything from you. He pays taxes too so he is just getting a benefit from being a tax payer and citizen of the usa. Its available to all but if you keep choosing to deny yourself the benefits from being a tax payer, well I guess thats your choice. A foolish one at that, IMHO
Buz O. Who is stealing anything? Is it better that a person has no insurance and no assets gets ill, injured or has a baby and goes into Emergency, gets treated and leaves the County with the bill? Who pays for that? Do we just deny service at the Hospital Doors? Is that what you are talking about?
Newsflash, our society is flourishing again. Want to move to Europe, Asia, South America, Africa or the Middle East?
Relo. We aren’t going to be picking our curtains any time soon, so you can take issue all you want. I know what it cost then and I know what it costs now. Remember, do not forget those pre-existing conditions that are now gone, thank you.
OLS. Just sticks and stones love. ;)
The patients are running the asylum