Snippets about Lake Tahoe
• South Tahoe High School students Kori Zwijacz, Joemae Santos, Lauren Tang, Cara Filce, Catherine Baghdikian, Christina Boyar and Angelica Rodriguez were honored by Soroptimist International South Lake Tahoe as this year’s Young Women of Distinction.
• South Tahoe Alliance of Resorts is giving the Tahoe Prosperity Center $10,000 a year for three years. Tahoe Mountain Resorts Foundation has approved a grant of $15,000 to the Measuring for Prosperity Indicators project.
• Diamond Peak Ski Resort and the Incline Village General Improvement District will reward Incline Village students with a free 2014-15 Diamond Peak season pass if their January 2015 report card has straight A’s.
• The next Clearing the Chakras series is Feb. 3 from 6-7pm at Rejuvenate in South Lake Tahoe on Ski Run Boulevard. It is free, but donations are accepted. For more info, call 530.541.6565.
• The Wineries of Fair Play are celebrating all things chocolate and wine in February. Each participating winery will feature some kind of chocolate decadence paired with their wines.