Snippets about Lake Tahoe
• Lake Tahoe South Shore Chamber of Commerce is putting on a beginning QuickBooks class March 11 from 9am-2pm about setting things up, while the March 18, 9am-2pm class is about data entry, and March 25 is putting it to use. They are at Lake Tahoe Community College. For more info, go online.
• The 4.5-mile Kingsbury Stinger Trail will start construction in June with full time USFS crews and TAMBA volunteer days.
• Heavenly Mountain Resort expects to close April 19.
• South Tahoe Public Utility District is having a workshop March 3 from 2-5pm about the 10-year financial plan and 2015-16 budget. The meeting is at 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe.
• Johnson-Perkins and Associates Inc. has split its Reno and Lake Tahoe offices. Johnson Valuation Group Ltd. will be a new real estate appraisal firm based in Lake Tahoe serving Nevada and California.