Tahoe National Forest looking at over-snow use

The Tahoe National Forest is preparing an environmental impact statement on a proposal to designate over-snow vehicle use on roads, trails and areas on lands within its boundaries. The EIS will also identify snow trails available for grooming.

Designating OSV use on the forest will ensure over-snow vehicle activity, such as snowmobile riding, is effectively managed to provide access; ensure OSV use when there is adequate snow; promote the safety of all users; enhance public enjoyment; minimize impacts to resources; and minimize conflicts among users.

The Forest Service has developed a proposed action, however, a decision has not been made regarding the project.

Comments are being taken until March 25 during this initial scoping phase.

Five meetings are planned. All meetings are form 4-7pm:

March 2 — Tahoe National Forest Headquarters Office, 631 Coyote St., Nevada City.
March 3 — Truckee District Ranger Station, 10811 Stockrest Springs Road, Truckee.
March 4 — Sierraville District Ranger Station, 317 South Lincoln St., Sierraville.
March 5 — Sierra City, Sierra City Community Hall, 13 Castagna Alley, Sierra City.
March 9 – Foresthill Fire Department, 24320 Main Street, Foresthill.

For additional information and how to comment, go online.