UFOs were not always a laughing matter


By Matthias Gafni, Bay Area News Group

It was 1964. Late at night. The Northern California man had lost his hunting buddies in the woods near Lake Tahoe and climbed a tree to sleep.

Awakened by a glowing object landing on a nearby ridge, the man was soon fighting for his life against two neckless creatures and a robot before the beings emitted a noxious gas and knocked him out.

A tall tale? Drunken binge? Drug-induced hallucination (it was the ’60s, after all)? No matter. That Placer County UFO sighting and thousands more were studiously collected and meticulously researched as part of the Air Force’s strange, long-shuttered Project BLUE BOOK, a government program on the hunt for little green men — or perhaps Soviet spies; no one is saying for sure.

For 22 years, the military seemed to spare little expense in chronicling humans’ reported otherworldly encounters with glowing orbs, spinning spheres, flying ice cream cones, and more.

All of it had been hidden away in archive files until a UFO enthusiast posted 130,000 documents worth of BLUE BOOK material in a free online database for the first time last month. Dozens of Bay Area close encounters were included in the trove.

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Comments (6)
  1. Justice says - Posted: February 18, 2015

    I thought the UFO’s dropped off Bigfoot and then left him to scare people while they hovered and watched for alien fun and games.

  2. Steve Kubby says - Posted: February 18, 2015

    I think if we were honest about alien life forms visiting Tahoe, most of us would have to admit that some of the crazy drivers we see on our roads during holiday periods cannot possibly be from this world.

  3. Seriously? says - Posted: February 19, 2015

    I really wish Kae could make a “like” button for some of these comments.

  4. Sandy Myron says - Posted: February 20, 2015

    There is no question that extraterrestrials exist. This is well documented, as numerous astronauts, high level military officials, scientists, pilots and FAA officials have gone on record and testified before Congress under oath that extraterrestrials do exist. The reason why disclosure has not happened is because once the truth comes out, we would have free energy technology, and world religions would be turned upside down. Also, the US “petro dollar” would collapse if we moved off oil in favor of free energy. These antigravity technologies are here. Northrup Grunman and Lockheed Skunkworks are just a few of the companies that have had this technology for years. Unfortunately, this technology is not in the public domain and has been kept black for decades. These beings (extraterrestrials) are highly advanced; they are not bound by the laws of physics, such as the speed of light. Do your research: Two days ago, former Chief of Staff John Podesta spoke out stating his biggest regret while holding office was not disclosing the UFO files. I recently attended a one-week CE5 expedition with Dr. Steven Greer. Dr. Greer briefs the President, the Pentagon, Congress and many others on extraterrestrial matters and expresses how critical it is for the human race to know that we are not alone in the multiverse, and that we are not as advanced as we think. Dr Greer’s main objective is to disclose the fact that extraterrestrials do exist and that a quasi-government faction has been reverse engineering downed ET craft for decades. Therefore, free energy technology will take us off oil. We would be looking at a paradigm shift. In 2013, Dr. Greer debuted his two-hour documentary Sirius which can be watched on YouTube at:

  5. Big Deal says - Posted: February 21, 2015

    I wonder if the US government has a plan for when (not if) ufos show up? I really hope it won’t be the route of movies that just start wars.

  6. Susan Frisbie says - Posted: February 22, 2015

    In response to Big Deal, please reference an article entitled “Werner von Braun & Dr. Carol Rosin: False Flag Wars and Exopolitics.” In this article Carol Rosin, President of the Institute for Cooperation in Space (ICIS) summarizes testimony which she gave at The Disclosure Project Press Conference, National Press Club, Washington, D.C. on May 9, 2001 regarding the succession of “false flag wars” to follow the collapse of the permanent war economies, communism vs. capitalism war (1945-1991). In part I quote from the article: “These false flag wars start with a ‘War on Terror;’ followed by a false flag ‘War Against Extraterrestrial Civilizations.’ Each of these wars, starting with the False Flag operation of September 11, 2001, has had the weaponization of space and occupation of the solar system as a significant objective.” Please reference the following link for complete details: I am in complete agreement with Sandy Myron in her comments above. The fact that extraterrestrial beings exist (I refer to them as Higher-Dimensional Beings) and that their highly advanced technology could give us free energy NOW is the most important issue of our day. The powers that be (or were) don’t want us to know this.