2014 handgun sales set a Calif. record
By Phillip Reese, Sacramento Bee
Dealers sold more than 510,000 handguns in California during 2014, more than double the number sold four years prior, according to new figures from the state Department of Justice.
Handgun sales in 2014 set a new California record, far outpacing the prior high of 433,000 handguns sold in 1993, near the time violent crime peaked in the state.
3 of those are mine.
the Ruger Blackhawk, wow you should all own one of them.
for those of you that don’t have something I have an XD40 for ya just call me.
everybody at the range today was saying how good life is, but the Shooting was better.
“The rate of California homicides involving firearms continues to fall and is now at its lowest level in more than 20 years, state health figures show. The number of accidental deaths involving guns have also fallen.”
So in spite of the Country of California trying to inhibit your rights under the 2nd Amendment of the USA Constitution the above has happened in their territory while residents are buying more guns.
I was in line at a gun show talking to someone from Sacramento. He said that “every month I get my Social Security check, I pay my rent and buy another gun”. Seems his approach is working.
Lets hear it nasty bat…GUNS SUCK
Only delusional paranoid people feel the need to arm themselves to the hilt.
You’re more likely to be hit by lightening than have a situation to use a gun – and better off letting someone more qualified take it from there anyway.
Too many kids are still killed by their parents loosely stored guns !
The sales of guns, and many are new women buyers, is a direct result for many of the knowledge that thousands of convicts are being early released. Even as the sales go up and the liberals know they have failed to ban guns they are hard at work trying to ban certain ammo and as anyone knows this creates the supply and demand problems and the out of control prices.
Strange that the same people that want to redistribute my hard earned money, keep our borders wide open, ban me from the forest, force me to pay higher health cost to help others, and give authority to unelected officials to curb my pollution also want to take my only viable option at defending myself and family/community. Coincidence?
Well said Business Owner. Just because some people are afraid of guns doesn’t mean I am.
Same goes for what I eat and drive. Stay the hell out of my life liberals.
The criminals already have their weapons.
From the remarks most of you make none of you should be allowed to own a gun. Delusional at best just plain crazy at the worst. Laws are in place to protect the general public and are needed in a civilized world. You all would have us living in anarchy. Why are you in Lake Tahoe? One of the most beautiful, spiritual places on Earth, tainted by the ugliness, bigoted hatred of your attitudes. Are you the tourist welcoming committee?
business owner: Well stated!!
Nim-Rod: Laws are followed by the good people and never followed by the insects. Yes, this is Tahoe, but if you haven’t noticed the trend of mopes infesting this town bringing their ghetto mentality and weapons, then keep your head in your bear box.
I find it quite interesting that homicides involving firearms have gone down in California. Perhaps the bad guys are being a bit more cautious since they know that more people are armed.
Hey Chief! One of these days I will run into you at the range and shake your hand. Hubby and I usually shoot .45’s and the occasional M1 Carbine. Look for the old guy and the fat chick-that’s us!! And I know what you mean about the Ruger. We used to have one but it was a bit too much for me.
As for the comment “guns suck”…I think it would be more appropriate to say they blow (haha).
Gun safety should be observed at all times and, if you have children, they should be made to know that guns are not toys and are not to be treated as toys.
Guns are not the problem. People are the problem. More laws making it harder to obtain guns will only make it easier for the bad guys. They don’t submit to background checks or attend gun shows. I would be much more concerned about car to car transactions in your local 7-11.
Nature: What about the “defenseless” cow you eat?!
Big gun; little——.
If your afraid of guns don’t own one. Wait for officer Poland to rescue you.
Sunriser: He will if she is in High School. Pathetic POS that he is.
GA. You are a pathetic human p o s
nature: So you do eat defensless cows. AND I only called Poland what he IS.
Gapen asspen you really need a life/hobby.
mustache ride: This IS one of my hobbies. Getting you all riled…..saying things the idiots in this country are too afraid to say because some wimp will be offended. I call BS on it. I especially call BS on your race baiting president and his cast of racist loons.
@graspin ass that sounds like a very sad life. How about a hobby that involves you getting outside and shedding a few lbs? Or is internet troll your pinnacle of accomplishment. Riled up? You’re clearly the only one riled. The president? Who cares?
To be fair, not all old white bigots are overweight. Converting adipose tissue to muscles is something everyone can benefit from. Good advice.
gaspen: good job on that article the other day, too bad the comments section was shut down, I was really hoping you would build up the courage and finally drop a slur.
GA=white trash, angry old white man disease…
Prune Juice: There’s always tomorrow or the next day, or next. And yes, I get out plenty and don’t need to shed any lbs. Which article? There are so many.